action #131429
closedcoordination #130216: [epic] Adapt migration test coverage and its migration matrix for SLE 15 SP6
Optimize test coverage for basesys-srv in migrations from SLES 15 SP3
A default migration will use basesystem and server product modules and we should not miss to test this scenario each snapshots, so all test suite should run in Migration job group for this combination. For other combination we can make considerations.
We need add/modify basesys-srv module combination migration test on SLES 15SP3 refer to test matrix
The test need to be added as below:
migration daily job group(
- offline_sles15sp3_pscc_basesys-srv_def_full@aarch64
- offline_sles15sp3_media_basesys-srv_all_full@ppc64le
- offline_sles15sp3_media_basesys-srv_all_full@s390x-zvm
- autoupgrade_sles15sp3_pscc_basesys-srv_all_full_auto@x86_64 (update existing case from scc to pscc)
- online_sles15sp3_pscc_basesys-srv_all_full_y@aarch64
- online_sles15sp3_pscc_basesys-srv_def_full_y@ppc64le
- online_sles15sp3_pscc_basesys-srv_all_full_zdup@s390x-kvm
- online_sles15sp3_pscc_basesys-srv_all_def_zypp_lock@x86_64
Acceptance criteria¶
AC1: Add/modify basesys-srv module combination migration tests on SLES 15SP3
AC2: Ensure migration matrix for SP6 reflect it