action #131120
closedcoordination #130216: [epic] Adapt migration test coverage and its migration matrix for SLE 15 SP6
Optimize test coverage for default module (base) in migrations from SLE 12 SP5
we are doing changes to the distri of modules but also moving to Migration job group or considering other factors, update test matrix to reduce the number of test suite run in openQA while keeping/improving (distributing better) the test coverage for migration.
We need add/modify some base module migration test on SLES12SP5 refer to test matrix
The test need to be added as below:
migration daily job group(
- offline_sles12sp5_pscc_def_full@aarch64
- offline_sles12sp5_media_all_full@aarch64
- offline_sles12sp5_media_base_def_full@ppc64le
- offline_sles12sp5_media_base_def_full@s390x-zvm (change from zkvm to zvm)
- autoupgrade_sles12sp5_pscc_base_all_full_auto@s390x-kvm (move this from Migration: Milestone to Migration job group, p2 to p1, and scc-> pscc)
- offline_sles12sp5_pscc_def_full@x86_64
- offline_sles12sp5_media_base_all_full_lock@x86_64 (move this from Migration: Milestone to Migration job group
Acceptance criteria¶
AC1: Test coverage for the case when no additional product/extension (base case) are added reflects the migration matrix