



tickets #130658


Removal of provo-galera*.i.o.o

Added by crameleon about 1 year ago. Updated 12 months ago.

Servers hosted in Provo
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It seems the provo-galera3.i.o.o machine is offline since a while (behind this VM seems to now be mirrorcache-us-db.i.o.o, a machine which is reachable and hosts completely different MySQL databases), and the MariaDB services on provo-galera1 and 2 are dead since at least January.

There are some databases under /var/lib/mysql but given nobody complained about this "cluster" being broken since several months, I wonder if anyone cares about it existing at all?

If nobody objects within two weeks, I will remove 1 and 2 and rename 3.

Actions #1

Updated by crameleon about 1 year ago

  • Private changed from Yes to No
Actions #2

Updated by pjessen about 1 year ago

Any chance they were meant to be a fallback cluster, in case we wanted to run download.o.o in Provo in an emergency ?

Actions #3

Updated by crameleon about 1 year ago

I don't think it stores any MirrorCache related databases, that's what mirrorcache-us-db is for, no?

The databases on provo-galera seem similar to the ones we have in Nuremberg:

provo-galera1 (mariadb):~ # find /var/lib/mysql -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -not -name '*schema' -not -name mysql -not -name sys -printf '%f '
boosters_elgg conference_osem etherpad limesurvey matomo moodle opensuse_request_tracker redmine redmine_test suse_hackweek webforums webforums2 wiki_cn wiki_cs wiki_de wiki_el wiki_en wiki_en_test wiki_es wiki_fr wiki_hu wiki_it wiki_ja wiki_languages wiki_nl wiki_old_de wiki_old_en wiki_pl wiki_pt wiki_ru wiki_sv wiki_tr wiki_zh wiki_zh_tw wsrep xbttracker

galera1 (Galera node (MySQL)):~ # find /var/lib/mysql -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -not -name '*schema' -not -name mysql -not -name sys -printf '%f '
redmine_test suse_hackweek webforums wiki_cs wiki_de wiki_en wiki_en_test wiki_fr wiki_hu wiki_ja wiki_languages wiki_old_de wiki_old_en wiki_pt wiki_ru wiki_tr wiki_zh xbttracker conference_osem etherpad limesurvey matomo redmine wiki_cn wiki_el wiki_es wiki_it wiki_nl wiki_pl wiki_sv wiki_zh_tw webforums2 wsrep members mirrorcache

And without a third node, Galera isn't of much use anyways.

Actions #4

Updated by pjessen about 1 year ago

crameleon wrote:

I don't think it stores any MirrorCache related databases, that's what mirrorcache-us-db is for, no?

I don't know :-)
Has download.o.o completely stopped using the galera cluster?

And without a third node, Galera isn't of much use anyways.

I have no issue with removing them, I was only offering a possible reason for their presence. If we have no contingency plans that include running download.o.o in provo, there certainly does not seem to be much use for a galera cluster either.

Actions #5

Updated by pjessen about 1 year ago

pjessen wrote:

crameleon wrote:

I don't think it stores any MirrorCache related databases, that's what mirrorcache-us-db is for, no?

I don't know :-)
Has download.o.o completely stopped using the galera cluster?

Of course, it uses mirrordb1 / mirrordb2.

Actions #6

Updated by cboltz about 1 year ago

Do you know when these databases were last modified?

If they are several years old, they might be a leftover from a planned power outage in Nuremberg years ago (we temporarily served the wikis and some other services from Provo back then). However, some of the databases (I'd guess at least etherpad, limesurvey, moodle, webforums2) did not even exist back then...

I seem to remember that there was an idea to have the databases mirrored to Provo, but I'm not sure if this was really implemented. Lars and/or Darix might know more.

(Oh, and sorry for all the "might"s ;-)

Actions #7

Updated by andriinikitin about 1 year ago

cboltz wrote:

If they are several years old, they might be a leftover from a planned power outage in Nuremberg years ago

Yes, they were part of big plan having Geo cluster, but since it wasn't accomplished - Lars suggested me to reuse one node to improve performance of mirrorcache-us.o.o

So I agree we can delete 1 and 2 and rename 3 as Georg suggested.

Actions #8

Updated by andriinikitin about 1 year ago

pjessen wrote:

Has download.o.o completely stopped using the galera cluster?

Of course, it uses mirrordb1 / mirrordb2.

Currently download.o.o uses standalone MariaDB server on mirrorcache-stats.infra.o.o there is related MR in salt, I hope to merge it this week

Actions #9

Updated by crameleon 12 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

Done, thank you all for the input.


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