action #126848
- Description updated (diff)
- Subject changed from Automate the auto-installation on ALP to Automate the auto-installation on ALP Micro
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to Workable
- Priority changed from Normal to High
- Target version set to Current
- Parent task set to #123583
- Subject changed from Automate the auto-installation on ALP Micro to Automate auto-installation on ALP Micro
- Copied to action #126857: Automate auto-installation of SUSE ALP Bedrock added
- Description updated (diff)
- Description updated (diff)
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
- Assignee set to hjluo
- Subject changed from Automate auto-installation on ALP Micro to Automate auto-installation of SUSE ALP Micro
We need to try to use Jason for the Micro automation.
- jsonnet enables dynamic content through Jsonnet.
- json assumes the profile is just a JSON file, so no dynamic content is expected.
- sh would be interpreted as a shell script.
Now, we'd use the jsonnet for this ticket and updated the PR.
updated the PR again for bedrock and tumbleweed for implementing for rebooting with needles.
could you please move test suite agama_auto_micro to 'ALP' flavor? we can use flavor 'default' only for non-ALP products.
OK. I'd check them out and ask the SM for more detailed info.
for login checking for micor and bedrock will handled by this ticket.
Only missing part is that "extra" work to not have it using branch, but production code. thanks.
merged, please retrigger in O3 to have latest result and we can resolve this ticket. thanks!
moved to ALP flavor and retrigged with YAML_TEST_DATA be set.
New PR 17225 for description format error.
We'd hold off this PR for a while, cause by removing the decription in the jsonnet
can't fix the issue.
can we resolve this ticket? is there any bug filed for that issue?
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
OK, all set and close it as resolved.
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