coordination #126053
open[qe-core] Automate attaching logs to bugs open by openQA
This is coming, from:
(In reply to Martin Vidner from comment #9)
> Unfortunately the openQA links from November have expired in the meantime.
> Joaquin can you please recreate your comment 3 with working links?
And that BTW, is why we always ask for logs to be attached.
See also the QE Employee Handbook for more info
Updated by okurz almost 2 years ago
IMHO what is sometimes missed is that the relevant openQA jobs are never marked with a bugref hence not making the test result "important" which would keep the job with it's data around for longer. Maybe you also need to check the job group data retention settings.
Attaching logs to bug reports is likely really hard because I assume logs can only be attached after the bug is created but openQA never creates bugs. It only opens a pre-filled bug creation page. Another alternative would be to include more text like log snippets in the initial description. That can be more easily automated.
Updated by szarate over 1 year ago
- Related to coordination #95371: Self Service/Self Paced Onboarding and training for openQA added
Updated by slo-gin 4 months ago
This ticket was set to Normal priority but was not updated within the SLO period. Please consider picking up this ticket or just set the ticket to the next lower priority.