



action #123337


coordination #119314: [epic] Milestone testing for SLE 15 SP5

SLE 15 SP5 Manual Testing Beta3-202301

Added by JERiveraMoya about 2 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:



See parent ticket.

Acceptance criteria

AC1: Conduct manual exploratory testing of YaST using corresponding build. Scope is Installer and YaST modules on the installed system.
AC2: Report found issues to bugzilla with the detailed steps to reproduce and reference it here.
AC3: Briefly describe the covered scenarios in this ticket.

Additional information

  • The kind of testing for this task is Exploratory testing but in case you need inspiration, you can take a look to this spreadsheet, but this activity is time-constrained so just take it as a reference, no need for following it strictly.
  • As an agreement we don't test all the architecture/backend for each milestone, so we will be rotating the architecture/backend for each milestone, please consider to pick one different for each build. The architecture considered and the instructions for having running the vm in each one of them is in our Manual Testing guide
Actions #1

Updated by JERiveraMoya about 2 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to High
Actions #2

Updated by geor about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Workable to In Progress
  • Assignee set to geor
Actions #3

Updated by geor about 2 years ago

Build 66.1 - x86_64:

New x86_64 Bugs:
libyui-rest-api related bugs bsc#1207073 and bsc#1206966 that were recently spotted on ALP also appear in this build of SLES 15 SP5

Bugs Fixed or Not appearing on x86_64:

  • bsc#1204845 (Wrong language in License Agreement language selection combobox)
  • bsc#1204883 (Scroll down/up bar issue in installation settings)

Recurring Bugs:

  • bsc#1205181 (Ncurses: broken layout on License Agreement when choosing Chinese Language)
  • bsc#1205117 (openQA test fails in select_patterns: No Icons for 'Base WSL packages' and 'WSL GUI packages' in the pattern list).

Scenarios tested:

Actions #4

Updated by geor about 2 years ago

Since the new bugs are related to the libyui-rest-api packages which have esoteric use and are mostly used inside the company, I would argue that they should not block the release of this BETA.

Actions #5

Updated by JERiveraMoya about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved

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