tickets #118723
closedtickets #117442: [Regression] Regression test for SLED
tickets #117748: [Regression][GNOME] GNOME components of regression tests
[Regression][GNOME]Gnome: Change screen resolution
1. Open ""Settings ->
Displays"", enter the current display configuration (usually there are
only one if you have just one monitor connected).
2. In the ""Resolution"" drop down list, select a new resolution value (eg. 800*600) and apply.
3. Select ""Keep Changes"" within 20 seconds.
4. Switch back to original resolution by the same steps.
Original case summary is : ""XGL: Change screen resolution with XGL
The summary and content were changed because the XGL was abandoned for
SLED12. New components in GNOME 3 take place of this function in a way.
Expected Result:
vp1. The configuration window for the display come out.
vp2. The screen changed to the selected resolution after a short blinking.
vp3. The screen kept at the target resolution.
vp4. The screen restored to it's original resolution.
Updated by zcjia over 1 year ago
- Copied to tickets #150182: [Regression][GNOME]Gnome: Change screen resolution added