action #117256
openRun a command in the serial terminal producing a clear output
As a reviewer of openQA jobs I would like to be offered a clear output not only for clarity but also for being able to reproduce results manually.
script_output "cat /etc/os-release";
In serial_terminal.txt is found:
# cat > /tmp/ << 'EOT_oW~Qf'; echo oW~Qf-$?-
> cat /etc/os-release
> EOT_oW~Qf
# echo oW~Qf; bash -oe pipefail /tmp/ ; echo SCRIPT_FINISHEDoW~Qf-$?-
PRETTY_NAME="SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP5"
When actually it would be more useful to show something like this:
> cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP5"
Acceptance criteria¶
AC1: Running a command in the serial terminal produces a clear output with stdin, stdout, stderr and retcode in UI and in logs.
AC2: Suppress openQA debug output when selecting serial terminal
Additional information¶
Initial request from HPC is related primarily with how the UI displays the command and its output (in a box in openQA, let's say it like that)
and secondarily in the logs, due to user still needs to search.
This out seems to be related with openQA interacting with the serial at the same time (it is a guess)
# echo oW~Qf; bash -oe pipefail /tmp/ ; echo SCRIPT_FINISHEDoW~Qf-$?-
It might be useful for debugging the problem in some cases, but most of the time what is needed is a clear output.
Example in openQA about the above: where the logs are showing all these additional lines and the UI is representing too many boxes for each action not really interesting for the user reviewing the job. Of course the whole output might be needed to file a bug to the infrastructure, so this feature could be something to consider as default behavior or as special case.
Updated by okurz over 2 years ago
- Project changed from openQA Infrastructure (public) to openQA Project (public)
- Category set to Feature requests
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Target version set to future
Thanks for your feature request. This should actually go into "openQA Project", not the infrastructure management per se.
Updated by jstehlik over 2 years ago
When do you estimate we could have some progress with this? It is definitely not urgent, but until let's say February we should be able to demonstrate some progress to the Labs team.
Updated by okurz over 2 years ago
jstehlik wrote:
When do you estimate we could have some progress with this? It is definitely not urgent, but until let's say February we should be able to demonstrate some progress to the Labs team.
Speaking for the SUSE QE Tools team I see it highly unlikely we would work on this topic within the next months if not years unless we shift around big chunks of our backlog to other teams.
Updated by jstehlik about 2 years ago
We need clear requirements description which should be written by team, which uses the tests or their output e.g. suseLABS team.
Updated by livdywan about 2 years ago
jstehlik wrote:
We need clear requirements description which should be written by team, which uses the tests or their output e.g. suseLABS team.