action #116269
closedcoordination #90086: [epic] Refactor container tests
Automate creation of HDDs in qac-openqa-yaml pipeline
The HDDs (qcow2's) that are used by BCI tests and other container tests are created here:
However, there is no automation on this. I trigger them on regular basis, but this has some risks if I am on leave or vacation, because having outdated HDDs might cause some timeouts in the BCI jobs while updating the system or things like this. Besides, it takes more time to run the tests. If we have regularly-updated HDDs, the BCI jobs take less time to update the system which results in an overall time execution.
The script to be run is already created:
This task is about automating this script in the gitlab-ci pipeline once a week (e.g. during the weekends).
After the HDDs are created, there are few steps to be done manually in OSD after the openqa jobs need to be completed and green:
cd /var/lib/openqa/share/factory/hdd
mv centOS-Stream-8-x86_64-20220128-minimal_new.qcow2 ./fixed/centOS-Stream-8-x86_64-20220128-minimal.qcow2
mv opensuse-15.2-x86_64-695.1-textmode@64bit_new.qcow2 ./fixed/opensuse-15.2-x86_64-695.1-textmode@64bit.qcow2
mv opensuse-15.3-x86_64-20210906-4-textmode@64bit_new.qcow2 ./fixed/opensuse-15.3-x86_64-20210906-4-textmode@64bit.qcow2
mv opensuse-15.4-x86_64-20220626-1-textmode@64bit_new.qcow2 ./fixed/opensuse-15.4-x86_64-20220626-1-textmode@64bit.qcow2
mv sles-es-7.9_new.qcow2 ./fixed/sles-es-7.9.qcow2
mv sles-es-8.5_new.qcow2 ./fixed/sles-es-8.5.qcow2
mv ubuntu-22.04_new.qcow2 ./fixed/ubuntu-22.04.qcow2
mv SUSE-MicroOS.aarch64-5.1.0-Default-GM-Updated.qcow2 ./fixed/
mv SUSE-MicroOS.aarch64-5.2.0-Default-GM-Updated.qcow2 ./fixed/
mv SUSE-MicroOS.s390x-5.1.0-Default-kvm-GM-Updated.qcow2 ./fixed/
mv SUSE-MicroOS.s390x-5.2.0-Default-kvm-GM-Updated.qcow2 ./fixed/
mv SUSE-MicroOS.x86_64-5.1.0-Default-GM-Updated.qcow2 ./fixed/
mv SUSE-MicroOS.x86_64-5.2.0-Default-GM-Updated.qcow2 ./fixed/
I don't really know how to automate this, as we need to wait for jobs to be done and completed. Maybe we can have another schedule a couple of hours after first one to do these operations... Or maybe schedule the job triggering on Saturdays and these commands on Sundays? I'm open to ideas.
Acceptance criteria¶
- Create a new stage/job in gitlab-ci.yml to execute the hdd creation script.
- Create a new schedule in the pipeline that triggers the openQA jobs once a week (e.g. on Saturdays).
Updated by jlausuch over 2 years ago
- Related to action #116443: test fails in host_configuration on 15-SP4 BCI added
Updated by jlausuch over 2 years ago
- Related to action #108102: Create autoyast installation to create HDD for containers. added
Updated by jlausuch over 2 years ago
Needs further discussion to see how we can tackle the image creation.
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
- Related to action #117517: Automate the container host image generation process added
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
- Related to deleted (action #117517: Automate the container host image generation process)
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
- Has duplicate action #117517: Automate the container host image generation process added
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
As Martin pointed out, it might be useful to move the host_configuration
part from the test run to the image creation. This would mean that necessary tools are already pre-installed and we only need to run a simple update & reboot before running the tests.
Updated by mloviska over 2 years ago
For fixed assets there is already a CI in place
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
- Assignee set to ph03nix
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
mloviska wrote:
For fixed assets there is already a CI in place
AFAICS this is only for listing the assets, there is no CI for periodic job trigger in place.
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
- Has duplicate action #93588: Improve trigger create hdd script added
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
I setup a toy project aceto-magico which schedules the creation test runs every Friday at 18:00.
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
If the assets get created on a regular schedule we might not need to push them to fixed/
and we are already done with the task. I need to think a bit about this though.
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
POC is in place: - It triggers the creation of the new HDDs every Friday.
I let this run for a little bit to see, how good this works. Will also remove the corresponding assets from fixed/
and see if that works.
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
I asked in #eng-testing and it should be fine to avoid using assets from the fixed/
folder - See
I'm going to remove them for now and we see at the end of the week, if there are any issues with this.
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
- % Done changed from 80 to 50
I need to move the source images to fixed/
and the produced new images to the normal folder.
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
The following assets require a change of the workflow:
I will rename the "original" ones to *_template.qcow2
and we should use them and release them as the actual HDDs that are being used afterwards.
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
ph03nix@openqa:~/factory/hdd/fixed> sudo ln centOS-Stream-8-x86_64-20220128-minimal.qcow2 centOS-Stream-8-x86_64-20220128-minimal_template.qcow2
ph03nix@openqa:~/factory/hdd/fixed> sudo ln ubuntu-22.04.qcow2 ubuntu-22.04_template.qcow2
ph03nix@openqa:~/factory/hdd/fixed> sudo ln sles-es-7.9.qcow2 sles-es-7.9_template.qcow2
ph03nix@openqa:~/factory/hdd/fixed> sudo ln opensuse-15.4-x86_64-20220626-1-textmode@64bit.qcow2 opensuse-15.4-x86_64-20220626-1-textmode@64bit_template.qcow2
ph03nix@openqa:~/factory/hdd/fixed> sudo ln opensuse-15.2-x86_64-695.1-textmode@64bit.qcow2 opensuse-15.2-x86_64-695.1-textmode@64bit_template.qcow2
ph03nix@openqa:~/factory/hdd/fixed> sudo ln opensuse-15.3-x86_64-20210906-4-textmode@64bit.qcow2 opensuse-15.3-x86_64-20210906-4-textmode@64bit_template.qcow2
ph03nix@openqa:~/factory/hdd/fixed> sudo ln sles-es-8.5.qcow2 sles-es-8.5_template.qcow2
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
I will trigger the test runs today in the late afternoon, when all current maintenance test runs are completed.
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
- File new-hdds.png new-hdds.png added
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
Except for s390x (still scheduled) - the creation test runs all succeed after a new trigger:
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
OK, last Friday's trigger was successful. I moved the aceto-magico
project to QAC:
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
I also updated to point to the new repository.
Updated by ph03nix over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- % Done changed from 80 to 100