



tickets #115328

closed redirected to from UK

Added by vkrevs almost 2 years ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

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Hi. On opensuse 15.4, running "zypper -v up -d" and repeatedly getting the following error

In cache libLLVM13-13.0.1-lp153.32.18.x86_64.rpm (320/719), 19.8 MiB ( 96.5 MiB unpacked)
Retrieving package libLLVM14-14.0.6-lp153.30.1.x86_64 (321/719), 20.8 MiB (102.6 MiB unpacked)
Retrieving: libLLVM14-14.0.6-lp153.30.1.x86_64.rpm .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[error]
Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Connection failed
Error message: Could not resolve host:

Abort, retry, ignore? a/r/i/...? shows all options: C

Why is it even trying to use a mirror in South Africa? How does this make sense?

Actions #1

Updated by vkrevs almost 2 years ago

P.S.: I am in United Kingdom, so why use a mirror from SA?

Actions #2

Updated by pjessen almost 2 years ago

  • Category set to Mirrors
  • Assignee set to andriinikitin
  • Private changed from Yes to No

I am in United Kingdom, so why use a mirror from SA?

Most mirrors do not carry repositories/, but if there is no suitable UK mirror, I would have expected a redirect to a European mirror.

FWIW, does partially resolve now:

host has address
Host not found: 2(SERVFAIL)
Host not found: 2(SERVFAIL)
Actions #3

Updated by pjessen almost 2 years ago

  • Tracker changed from communication to tickets

If it's any comfort, I'm in Switzerland and for that package, I am given - Germany - Kenya - South Africa - Australia.

Judging by, they are the only mirrors of repositories/ that are up to date.

Actions #4

Updated by vkrevs almost 2 years ago

Thank you for your responses. I just wish there was some sort of controls I could apply from my side - like "only use mirrors in EU", disallow mirrors from Russia, etc.

Actions #5

Updated by andriinikitin almost 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

vkrevs wrote:

P.S.: I am in United Kingdom, so why use a mirror from SA?

This usually may happen when a package has just released and either no mirror in EU has the file yet, or the scanner is not aware that any EU mirror has it. (Another possibility is inaccurate GeoIP database, then country is displayed wrong in , but I don't think it is the case here).

I just wish there was some sort of controls I could apply from my side - like "only use mirrors in EU". is under heavy load, so currently for everyone's benefit it was decided that it is better to send request across the ocean than the main server becomes unavailable.

If you prefer to see a error like 'No mirror found in EU, retry later', we may develop such parameter, which will be possible to add to baseurl in /etc/zypp/repos.d/*.repo files.

Currently download.o.o understands parameter AVOID_COUNTRY so e.g. baseurl parameter in the .repo file may look like:


It is possible to implement similar parameter for staying in single region, but not sure when it can get priority, especially that it may increase load on in extreme cases.

Andrii Nikitin

Actions #6

Updated by vkrevs almost 2 years ago

Andrii - thank you for the detailed response. If someone does end up implementing ability to stay in the same region, it would be nice to be able to specify this in one place so it applies to all repos automatically - e.g. in zypper.conf - as opposed to editing each .repo file separately. Same applies to AVOID_COUNTRY.

Actions #7

Updated by vkrevs almost 2 years ago

After a lot of fiddling with repo files and monitoring traffic with iftop/nethogs, this is what I ended up adding into each repo file that refers to in order to attain reasonable download speeds:


The second mirror is necessary to pick up debuginfo/debugsource packages not carried by

I really hate to write this, but the logic used by download.o.o to select mirrors right now just does not seem to work very well, at least for me. It just does not seem to select mirrors based on geographical proximity nor by download speeds from each mirror. This really should be done by zypper on the client.

Feel free to close this issue.

Actions #8

Updated by andriinikitin about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Yes, working around with baseurl is what I would recommend if download.o.o shows poor behavior for somebody.

vkrevs wrote:

I really hate to write this, but the logic used by download.o.o to select mirrors right now just does not seem to work very well, at least for me. It just does not seem to select mirrors based on geographical proximity nor by download speeds from each mirror.

I am afraid that those mirrors were the only known mirrors that had the files. From server side it is better to direct request to another continent, rather than try to serve everything (and fail because of overload).

This really should be done by zypper on the client.

Agree, I tried as well to convince zypper developers and they do investigate some improvements in this regard.

Feel free to close this issue.

Andrii Nikitin


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