action #114974
open[qe-sap] hana-install is failing on SLE15SP4 SAP
Description (clamsap)
also in previous tests:
SLE15SP3 does not appear to have same failure.
Updated by dzedro over 2 years ago
I was cloning it with HANA=nfs://
to make it pass.
Looks like is not really fixed ?
Updated by LMartin over 2 years ago
Kind of interesting this only comes up now. Where were the past HANA install fails reported on 15 SP4? FCS was a while ago.
Anyway, it is to be expected since SAP HANA is not even supported on 15 SP4 yet, so it should not actually pass anyway until SAP approve. AP adds new OS's to the HANA installer, so the OS version can be checked. I'm not sure how the team deals with that so far, e.g. when testing new products the OS version check is ignored. If this isn't documented anywhere for QE-SAP, then now seems a good time. So once HANA is supported on SP4, then we'll need to get that version for SP4 testing. In the new tests we'll have multiple HANA versions in use depending on SLE SP; I'm not sure how that is handled today.
The information about SAP HANA support is at:
And there is an old index to such information sources at:
Updated by acarvajal over 2 years ago
LMartin wrote:
Kind of interesting this only comes up now. Where were the past HANA install fails reported on 15 SP4? FCS was a while ago.
It seems 15-SP4 build validation was using nfs://
While the QAM job is configured with nfs://
I would say the 15-SP4 QAM job was configured based on the values used in 15-SP3 QAM:
Updated by LMartin over 2 years ago
ok, I checked with LinuxLab. It seems the HANA installer no longer checks the OS version it is installing on, so I was wrong, HANA should not by definition fail to install.
--> means we actually need to investigate the issues found by @Ednilson Miura and @Jozef Pupava.
my error.