



action #113162


[security][FIPS][15-SP4][15-SP5] Implement & Integrate LUKS test case into openQA

Added by rfan1 over 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

New test
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Test Case 1769936: FIPS: Full disk encryption with LUKS (including /boot)

Test Case 1769937: FIPS: Full disk encryption with LUKS (separate unencrypted /boot)

Hello Shawn,
I think you could take this ticket as you have some LUKS test experience. And these 2 cases can be test cases an be implemented in the same time as they are the similar testing area.

You could still need to investigate it and try this on TW first as you are unable to access OSD currently. And also I think the configure/UI style would be some different between SLE and TW.

Thank you.

Related issues 3 (0 open3 closed)

Related to openQA Tests (public) - action #124931: [security][QU] 15-SP4 fips_install_lvm_encrypt_seprate_boot test fails in first_bootResolvedemiler

Related to openQA Tests (public) - action #116281: [security][fips] test fails in boot_encryptResolvedemiler2022-09-06

Copied from openQA Tests (public) - action #109163: [sle][security][backlog][FIPS]Implement & Integrate LUKS test case into openQAResolvedrfan12022-03-29

Actions #1

Updated by rfan1 over 2 years ago

  • Copied from action #109163: [sle][security][backlog][FIPS]Implement & Integrate LUKS test case into openQA added
Actions #2

Updated by bchou over 2 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (bchou)

Still in security backlog and to see if there is any enhancement for SP5 or ALP.

Actions #3

Updated by pstivanin over 2 years ago


Fully encrypt a system including /boot, it would look somewhat like this:
* MBR (grub2)
* /dev/vda1 -> LUKS -> LVM PV -> LVM VG -> LVM Volumes -> file systems
  (including /boot with kernel and initrd)

For this to work, grub2 needs to be able to open LUKS volumes by itself
(without initrd) otherwise it could not even read the kernel and initrd.
Luckily the grub2 in our product is able to do this, and our installer
does the right thing.

1, Install SLES15 SPx
    -- Input kernel option "fips=1" for installation (or skip here but enable fips=1 after installation)
    -- Click on "Edit Proposed Settings" and select "Encrypted LVM-based Proposal" at Suggested Partitioning, setup password, at least 8 characters
    -- Click on "OK"
    -- Click on "Expert Partitioner..."
    -- Right-Click on "/dev/sda1" (or /dev/sda1, the separate partition for /boot) -> Select "Delete" -> "Yes"
    The partition map looks like:
        /dev/vda1  Linux LVM
        /dev/system  LVM2 system
        /dev/system/root  LV  BtrFS  /
        /dev/system/swap  LV  Swap  swap
    -- Click on "Accept" to finish the disk partitioning.

2, Boot SLES15 SPx from harddisk
    -- Password will be asked for twice:
        * The first time is required by grub, before the grub menu displayed:
           "Attempting to decrypt the master key....Enter passphrase for hd0,msdos1(xxx):"
        * The second time is required by initrd when mounting the volume:
           "Please enter passphrase for disck cr_vda2!"

3, Check FIPS is enabled


Fully encrypt a system, but keep /boot on a separate unencrypted partition, it looks like the following:
* MBR (grub2)
* /dev/vda1 mounted to /boot (unencrypted!) with kernel and initrd
* /dev/vda2 -> LUKS -> LVM PV -> LVM VG -> LVM Volumes -> file systems

Here the bootloader just loads the unencrypted (!) kernel and initrd
from /boot. That initrd has support for encrypted volumes using LUKS and
is able to open it and continue booting.

1, Install SLES15 SPx
    -- Input boot option: fips=1
    -- Select "Encrypted LVM-based Proposal" at Suggested Partitioning, setup password

2, Boot SLES15 SPx from harddisk
    -- Input password to mount the disk partitions

3, Check FIPS is enabled

Note: Do not pass "fips=1" to installer boot option, seems installer doesn't support fips mode yet, see bsc#985969
Workaround is enable fips mode after installation: update grub.cfg and reboot.

Actions #4

Updated by pstivanin over 2 years ago

  • Subject changed from [sle][security][backlog][FIPS]Implement & Integrate LUKS test case into openQA - make sure test can pass in new official build to [security][FIPS] Implement & Integrate LUKS test case into openQA - make sure test can pass in new official build
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to pstivanin
  • Estimated time deleted (4.00 h)
Actions #5

Updated by pstivanin over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Workable
  • Assignee deleted (pstivanin)
Actions #6

Updated by pstivanin about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Workable to In Progress
  • Assignee set to pstivanin
Actions #7

Updated by pstivanin about 2 years ago

Do we want this only for 15sp5 or also 15sp4?
And what archs?

Actions #8

Updated by pstivanin about 2 years ago

We'll start with 15-SP{5,4} on x86_64. Then, if needed, we will implement other archs.

Actions #9

Updated by pstivanin about 2 years ago

  • Subject changed from [security][FIPS] Implement & Integrate LUKS test case into openQA - make sure test can pass in new official build to [security][FIPS][15-SP4][15-SP5] Implement & Integrate LUKS test case into openQA
Actions #10

Updated by pstivanin about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Workable

changed status since I'll have to work on manual validation for beta3.

Actions #11

Updated by pstivanin about 2 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (pstivanin)
Actions #12

Updated by emiler almost 2 years ago

  • Assignee set to emiler
Actions #13

Updated by emiler almost 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Workable to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

I don't think LVM is needed in this case, as it only adds more complexity. I'll do some local testing to see how the installer behaves in all cases. Boot is encrypted by default when selecting disk encryption in the installer. Separate boot can be created in the expert partitioner.

Actions #14

Updated by emiler almost 2 years ago

The system boots even with EFI and partitions set with separate boot and only with / encrypted. This is a very nice surprise, since the installer had to do some specific grub configuration and initramfs has to have support for this as well. I was expecting to have to deal with quirks like this. Very nice.

Actions #15

Updated by emiler almost 2 years ago

Note: Do not pass "fips=1" to installer boot option, seems installer doesn't support fips mode yet, see bsc#985969 Workaround is enable fips mode after installation: update grub.cfg and reboot.

The mentioned seems to be fixed now. It is confirmed working in the installer in both BIOS and UEFI (15-SP4 x86).

# cat /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled
Actions #16

Updated by emiler almost 2 years ago

It seems like the tests are already written:


although they are never scheduled and tests from yast/encryption/ are scheduled instead. I reckon we can delete the copies in security/encryption/, provided the yast versions work.

Actions #17

Updated by emiler almost 2 years ago

After talking with people from QE-YAM (yast), we concluded that it would be better to maintain our own clones of the schedules, because they are planning on rewriting them, which would most likely break for us.

Explained by Joaquin Rivera:

don't depend on us, we soon will break them, because we are using a new features for scheduling, where instead of a list of test modules we have keys for phases of the installation and a default file.
each squad is better to have their own copy, we favor that each squad work independently on those, than to try to be very efficient with one file, the second doesn't help, because a minimal change can break stuff in other squad.

Actions #18

Updated by tjyrinki_suse almost 2 years ago

  • Related to action #124931: [security][QU] 15-SP4 fips_install_lvm_encrypt_seprate_boot test fails in first_boot added
Actions #19

Updated by emiler almost 2 years ago

  • % Done changed from 10 to 70
Actions #20

Updated by emiler almost 2 years ago

  • % Done changed from 70 to 80
Actions #21

Updated by emiler almost 2 years ago

  • % Done changed from 80 to 50

We have merged the first part of tests for separate boot testing on SP4 and SP5 x86 platforms. I will be extending the tests further and replacing the old schedules.

Actions #22

Updated by emiler over 1 year ago

  • Related to action #116281: [security][fips] test fails in boot_encrypt added
Actions #23

Updated by emiler over 1 year ago

Rewritten tests to cover more platforms:
Waiting to be scheduled.

Actions #24

Updated by emiler over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved

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