$ ssh o3
Last login: Wed Jul 6 09:55:54 2022 from
okurz@ariel:~> for i in openqaworker1 openqaworker4 openqaworker7 imagetester rebel power8; do ssh root@$i "zypper ps | tail -n 2; rebootmgrctl status; uptime"; done
Since the last system boot core libraries or services have been updated.
Reboot is suggested to ensure that your system benefits from these updates.
Status: Reboot not requested
13:40:56 up 37 days 2:50, 0 users, load average: 1.57, 1.59, 3.06
No core libraries or services have been updated since the last system boot.
Reboot is probably not necessary.
Status: Reboot not requested
13:40:57 up 1 day 10:06, 0 users, load average: 1.30, 1.69, 2.43
No core libraries or services have been updated since the last system boot.
Reboot is probably not necessary.
Status: Reboot not requested
13:40:58 up 10:04, 0 users, load average: 0.38, 0.62, 1.04
Since the last system boot core libraries or services have been updated.
Reboot is suggested to ensure that your system benefits from these updates.
Status: Reboot not requested
11:40:59 up 37 days 2:52, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.09
Since the last system boot core libraries or services have been updated.
Reboot is suggested to ensure that your system benefits from these updates.
Status: Reboot not requested
13:40:59 up 37 days 2:51, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Check failed:
Please install package 'lsof' first.
Error: The name org.opensuse.RebootMgr was not provided by any .service files
11:41:00 up 37 days 1:13, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.21
for i in openqaworker1 openqaworker4 openqaworker7 imagetester rebel power8; do ssh root@$i "zypper ps | tail -n 2"; done
Since the last system boot core libraries or services have been updated.
Reboot is suggested to ensure that your system benefits from these updates.
No core libraries or services have been updated since the last system boot.
Reboot is probably not necessary.
No core libraries or services have been updated since the last system boot.
Reboot is probably not necessary.
Since the last system boot core libraries or services have been updated.
Reboot is suggested to ensure that your system benefits from these updates.
Since the last system boot core libraries or services have been updated.
Reboot is suggested to ensure that your system benefits from these updates.
Check failed:
Please install package 'lsof' first.
so some machines are up since 37 days and not rebooted. We discussed in weekly SUSE QE Tools unblock 2022-07-06 and agreed that likely the best approach is to just use the openqa-auto-update service which also, same as the transactional update, will most likely never need to install anything as the continuous update already does but it will check if a reboot is needed and request a reboot over rebootmgr. And with the maintenance window still setup correctly to be nightly there will be a nightly reboot but only when necessary.
I did
for i in openqaworker1 openqaworker4 openqaworker7 imagetester rebel power8; do ssh root@$i "systemctl enable --now openqa-auto-update.timer"; done
and now back to monitoring over the next days.
EDIT: Wait, where is aarch64? … Ah, it's missing! Apparently we had openQA-auto-update installed on all machines but not on aarch64. Fixed that with zypper -n in openQA-auto-update && systemctl enable --now openqa-auto-update.timer