action #10990
closedautoupgrade from sle12 ga and sle12 sp1
Added by RBrownSUSE almost 9 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.
Updated by dgutu almost 9 years ago
@Richard, which is considered to be the correct way to get SLES-12-SP0-GM qcow file, on which I can start upgrade test to SLES-12-SP1-GM ?
Updated by dgutu almost 9 years ago
@Richards, how about the FS type for this scenario? Should I stay with ext4 or go with default FS layout of SLES-12 (btrfs and subvolumes) ?
Updated by RBrownSUSE almost 9 years ago
dgutu wrote:
@Richard, which is considered to be the correct way to get SLES-12-SP0-GM qcow file, on which I can start upgrade test to SLES-12-SP1-GM ?
Thx. - This is a default SLES 12 GA qcow file
You DO NOT need to upgrade this to SLES 12 SP1 - the requirement is for users to be able to ugprade from SLES 12 GA direct to SLES 12 SP2
We do not have any SLES 12 SP1 GA default install qcow files. These can be created by openQA, by scheduling a job to create them - ask Jozef for help with that?
Documentation you will need to create the AutoYaST profiles -
dgutu wrote:
@Richards, how about the FS type for this scenario? Should I stay with ext4 or go with default FS layout of SLES-12 (btrfs and subvolumes) ?
For the auto upgrades from SLES 12 SP0 and SP1, you should stay with btrfs, as that's the default
For the auto upgrades for SLES 11 SP4 (the other progress item) you should probably stick with the default (ext3)
Any more questions? Anything else not entirely clear?
Updated by dgutu almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
RBrownSUSE wrote:
dgutu wrote:
@Richard, which is considered to be the correct way to get SLES-12-SP0-GM qcow file, on which I can start upgrade test to SLES-12-SP1-GM ?
Thx. - This is a default SLES 12 GA qcow file
You DO NOT need to upgrade this to SLES 12 SP1 - the requirement is for users to be able to ugprade from SLES 12 GA direct to SLES 12 SP2
We do not have any SLES 12 SP1 GA default install qcow files. These can be created by openQA, by scheduling a job to create them - ask Jozef for help with that?
Documentation you will need to create the AutoYaST profiles - wrote:
@Richards, how about the FS type for this scenario? Should I stay with ext4 or go with default FS layout of SLES-12 (btrfs and subvolumes) ?
Thx.For the auto upgrades from SLES 12 SP0 and SP1, you should stay with btrfs, as that's the default
For the auto upgrades for SLES 11 SP4 (the other progress item) you should probably stick with the default (ext3)
Any more questions? Anything else not entirely clear?
Everything is clear, WIP.
Updated by dgutu almost 9 years ago
- By using qcow2 image SLES-12-gnome-x86_64.img and modifying autoyast_up_gnome.xml I was able to get a pretty positive results. The only thing to debug is step: installation_snapshots, the regex string not matched.
Updated by RBrownSUSE almost 9 years ago
Looks awesome - any idea why the regex isn't matching? It looks like it should be pretty close
Updated by dgutu almost 9 years ago
RBrownSUSE wrote:
Looks awesome - any idea why the regex isn't matching? It looks like it should be pretty close
Yes :) Basically on installation we have
wait_serial expected: 'single\s*(\|[|]){4}\s\|\s*number\s*\|\s*after installation\s*\|\s*important=yes'
But on upgrade we need
wait_serial expected: 'single\s*(\|[|]){4}\s\|\s*number\s*\|\s*after update\s*\|\s*important=yes'
I need additional "if" ! Let me resolve it :)
Updated by dgutu almost 9 years ago
testing is GREEN
For this I've used - SLES-12-SP1-x86_64-Build0062@3247-gnome.qcow2
Updated by RBrownSUSE almost 9 years ago
woohoo, awesome work - should work fine with SLES-12SP1-x86_64.qcow2 also then
Please send your PR and make sure the PR comment gives instructions about what we need to setup in the openQA Variables (or just has a link to that test on your server if you want to be lazy, we can copy from there ;))
Updated by dgutu almost 9 years ago
- % Done changed from 10 to 80 - with the latest hdd image autoupgrade is green.
Updated by dgutu almost 9 years ago
Updated by dgutu almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
Updated by dgutu almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to In Progress
Forget to change the matching string on "installation_snapshots" to match update scenario.
Updated by dgutu almost 9 years ago
Updated by dgutu almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Updated by dmaiocchi almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to In Progress
In autoupgrade, with Sles-12-sp1 . sles-12 (has no snapper)
my $pattern = 'single\s*(|[|]){4}\s|\s*number\s*|\s*after installation\s*|\s*important=yes';
$pattern = 'single\s*(|[|]){4}\s|\s*number\s*|\s*Factory status\s*|\s*important=yes' if is_jeos;
$pattern = 'pre\s*(|[|]){4}\s|\s*number\s*|\s*before update\s*|\s*important=yes' if get_var('AUTOUPGRADE');
wait_serial($pattern, 5) || die 'installation snapshot test failed';
but we should test always after installation AND then jeos or Autoupgrade. Could be that we have an image without after installation, in case with sp1 or later..
Updated by dgutu almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
dmaiocchi wrote:
In autoupgrade, with Sles-12-sp1 . sles-12 (has no snapper)
my $pattern = 'single\s*(|[|]){4}\s|\s*number\s*|\s*after installation\s*|\s*important=yes';
$pattern = 'single\s*(|[|]){4}\s|\s*number\s*|\s*Factory status\s*|\s*important=yes' if is_jeos;
$pattern = 'pre\s*(|[|]){4}\s|\s*number\s*|\s*before update\s*|\s*important=yes' if get_var('AUTOUPGRADE');
wait_serial($pattern, 5) || die 'installation snapshot test failed';but we should test always after installation AND then jeos or Autoupgrade. Could be that we have an image without after installation, in case with sp1 or later..
Both sles12ga and sles12sp1 qcow2 images have snapper configured.
I propose to close this issue, in case the test needs to be tuned or adapted to new needs we will re-open it.