action #109746
closedImprove QA related server room management, consistent naming and tagging size:M
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Different ideas to improve, from #102650#note-25
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: Every machine in rack 1-4 is updated with consistent names and tags
- AC2: Only physical entities show up in racks as separate units (VMs as "empty boxes")
- The "common name" of any server or active component should be including a suffix, this is what we have in most machines. We have that added in some machines rack 1 already
- There are some differing "tags", e.g. the "Usage Type" which can be "Testing"/"Development"/"Production". We suggest to avoid "Development" and use "Production" for machines that we expect to be "mostly up", e.g. qanet, qamaster, etc., or anything that is maintained by SUSE QE Tools. All bare-metal testing machines should then be "Testing"
- We wonder about if grenache-4 and grenache-5 even still exist. Also what about grenache-2, grenache-3? We tried to access an HMC but neither nor are reachable. We tried over novalink on grenache. With command
pvmctl lpar list
we found grenache-1 through grenache-8. We found for some other machines that only "free slots" are used. -> Based on I could make that look proper by deleting all objects except for the first within the server chassis and now we have 3 free slots showing up
Out of scope¶
Physically visiting machines (if that would be necessary please ask colleagues that do have access)