action #108380
closedcoordination #108290: [Epic] Improve installation test modules where libyui REST API is not applicable
Replace select_patterns when selecting only YaST Development pattern
We will work on this one after
Execution time of this test is huge, it iterates a list that sometimes is quite long, checking items one by one. It is an old module using shortcuts and needles and quite generic.
Acceptance criteria¶
AC1: Use alternative path to select that pattern.
AC2: Map the screen using POM but use needles/shortcuts instead of libyui REST API calls.
Further information¶
- There are simple ways to achieve the same, we can do the following:
- Focus on the list (alt-tab)
- Send alt-end to go to the end of the list as it is the last pattern
Select pattern 'YaST Development':
- Click on item with a needle
- send alt-+
- Test assume that this pattern to be selected is at the end of the list, worth to add on the description of the the new test.
- We might try to avoid the complexity of having a controller or a distri provider for now, just implement the Pages for simplicity. In future we can think about if we really want more layers.