action #108022
closed[qe-core][staging][15-sp4][leap] SLE Staging, 15-SP4, Leap 15.4 netinstall test orphaned_packages_check: (debug string?) hello1,hello2,hello3,hello4,hello5,hello6,hello7,hello8,hello9
somebody seem to left debug string in the oprhpaned packages check
It does return
Can we please get it fixed?
Thank you
openQA test in scenario opensuse-15.4-NET-aarch64-cryptlvm@aarch64 fails in
Test suite description¶
Maintainers: QE Yast
Conduct installation with encrypted LVM selected during installation.
Fails since (at least) Build 167.2 (current job)
Expected result¶
Last good: 165.1 (or more recent)
Further details¶
Always latest result in this scenario: latest
Updated by lkocman about 3 years ago
- Subject changed from Leap 15.4 orphaned_packages_check: (debug string?) hello1,hello2,hello3,hello4,hello5,hello6,hello7,hello8,hello9 to Leap 15.4 zdup test orphaned_packages_check: (debug string?) hello1,hello2,hello3,hello4,hello5,hello6,hello7,hello8,hello9
Updated by lkocman about 3 years ago
- Subject changed from Leap 15.4 zdup test orphaned_packages_check: (debug string?) hello1,hello2,hello3,hello4,hello5,hello6,hello7,hello8,hello9 to Leap 15.4 netinstall test orphaned_packages_check: (debug string?) hello1,hello2,hello3,hello4,hello5,hello6,hello7,hello8,hello9
Updated by maritawerner about 3 years ago
- Subject changed from Leap 15.4 netinstall test orphaned_packages_check: (debug string?) hello1,hello2,hello3,hello4,hello5,hello6,hello7,hello8,hello9 to [qe-core] Leap 15.4 netinstall test orphaned_packages_check: (debug string?) hello1,hello2,hello3,hello4,hello5,hello6,hello7,hello8,hello9
Updated by tjyrinki_suse about 3 years ago
- Has duplicate action #108028: [qe-core][staging][15-sp4] test fails in orphaned_packages_check added
Updated by tjyrinki_suse about 3 years ago
- Subject changed from [qe-core] Leap 15.4 netinstall test orphaned_packages_check: (debug string?) hello1,hello2,hello3,hello4,hello5,hello6,hello7,hello8,hello9 to [qe-core][staging][15-sp4][leap] SLE Staging, 15-SP4, Leap 15.4 netinstall test orphaned_packages_check: (debug string?) hello1,hello2,hello3,hello4,hello5,hello6,hello7,hello8,hello9
- Status changed from New to Workable
- Priority changed from Normal to High
- Target version set to QE-Core: Next
- Start date deleted (
2022-03-08) - Parent task set to #107323
This has been soft-failed currently in Functional test group for latest snapshot build:
Updated by tjyrinki_suse about 3 years ago
- Target version changed from QE-Core: Next to QE-Core: Ready
It seems soft-fail was done also for Staging. Note the duplicate SLE bug
Rationale for triaging:
- Bug in existing test not needing special refining
- High because the soft-fail will need to be removed, and question "who left what test string where" needs an answer
Updated by dheidler almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from Workable to Resolved
- Assignee set to dheidler