action #107449
coordination #107446: [MinimalVM][epic] MinimalVM Cloud image test automation
[MinimalVM] Enable jeos-extratest and jeos-main for cloud tests
Added by jlausuch almost 3 years ago.
Updated 4 months ago.
Enable these 2 test suites for the OpenStack flavor.
We should also check if all the modules can be run remotely, there might be some limitations that we don't know.
Related issues
1 (1 open — 0 closed)
- Tracker changed from coordination to action
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
- Assignee set to mloviska
- Status changed from In Progress to Blocked
- Assignee deleted (
I will set this to blocked as we do not have these 2 test suites in schedule. Foremost, we need to convert yamls to
- Blocked by action #108806: Create lib/ for JeOS schedule added
- Blocked by deleted (action #108806: Create lib/ for JeOS schedule)
- Blocked by action #110461: [MinimalVM] Unify all jeos schedule into added
- Tags set to openstack
- Subject changed from [JeOS OpenStack] Enable jeos-extratest and jeos-main tests to [OpenStack] Enable jeos-extratest and jeos-main tests
- Subject changed from [OpenStack] Enable jeos-extratest and jeos-main tests to [Cloud] Enable jeos-extratest and jeos-main tests
- Tags changed from openstack to openstack, to-be-refined
- Tags changed from openstack, to-be-refined to MinimalVM
- Subject changed from [Cloud] Enable jeos-extratest and jeos-main tests to [MinimalVM] Enable jeos-extratest and jeos-main for cloud tests
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