action #10622
closedaction #10148: better notification and user feedback
Make comments editable
Start date:
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user story¶
As a commenter on any openQA page allowing comments I want to be able to edit (my) comments to not clutter up any page with wrong comments or incorrectly rendered ones or to correct typos.
acceptance criteria¶
- own comments can be updated
- optional: comments by others can not be changed
further description¶
we have comments and we use them, at least on the group overview. But the view gets cluttered and many comments are incorrectly rendered and we can not correct them.
Another easy extension which is related would be to add a button next to each comment where you can download the MD (proposed by mgriessmeier)
Updated by mkittler almost 9 years ago
- Assignee set to mkittler
I'm currently working on it:
Updated by mkittler almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
The feature is merged now.