action #105930
o3 logreports - empty warnings/errors
Added by tinita over 2 years ago.
Updated over 2 years ago.
We see the following empty warnings/errors on o3:
# /var/log/openqa
[2022-02-01T00:18:19.109868Z] [warn] [pid:6059]
[2022-02-01T00:18:19.110073Z] [error] [pid:6059] cmd returned 31744
[2022-02-02T18:27:27.851725Z] [warn] [pid:9729]
[2022-02-02T18:27:27.851976Z] [error] [pid:9729] cmd returned 31744
[2022-02-02T18:27:27.871383Z] [warn] [pid:9729] Unable to wakeup scheduler: Request timeout
[2022-02-03T00:16:36.475960Z] [warn] [pid:21962]
[2022-02-03T00:16:36.476200Z] [error] [pid:21962] cmd returned 31744
31744 is the failure code for timeout
- Project changed from openQA Infrastructure to openQA Project
These are all things that could be better handled by the software itself, not infrastructure issues
- Parent task deleted (
All of these issues can be fixed but the alert ticket is addressed by preventing the alert so better not treat as subtask
- Related to action #105828: 4-7 logreport emails a day cause alert fatigue size:M added
[2022-02-10T15:29:39.165112Z] [error] [pid:14258] cmd returned 32768
[2022-02-10T15:29:39.196254Z] [error] [pid:14258] cmd returned 32768
[2022-02-10T15:31:07.059441Z] [warn] [pid:14258]
[2022-02-10T15:31:07.059768Z] [error] [pid:14258] cmd returned 31744
Seen today
[2022-02-17T00:49:10.935584Z] [error] [pid:25732] cmd returned 31744
@cdywan this is not an example of an empty log line.
tinita wrote:
@cdywan this is not an example of an empty log line.
Sorry about that, I filed #107023 now. This ticket confused me trying to find relevant ones and this "cmd" message is just horrible...
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