



action #105449


coordination #105437: [Epic] Refine our testing of multipath

Create new test module for testing multipath

Added by geor about 3 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Target version:
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The FCP topology on our z/VM testing infrastructure has recently been updated and the zfcp testsuite needs a new test module to validate multipathing.


The idea is to check the status of the known infrastructure, and the status of multipathing on top of it.

AC1: Verify that there are two host bus adapters attached, and that the corresponding channels (0.0.fa00, 0.0.fc00) are listed

# ls -l /sys/class/fc_host
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 19 17:53 host0 -> ../../devices/css0/0.0.0005/0.0.fa00/host0/fc_host/host0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 19 17:53 host1 -> ../../devices/css0/0.0.0006/0.0.fc00/host1/fc_host/host1

AC2: Based on the output of lsscsi:

# lsscsi -xxgst
[0:0:0:0x4001403200000000]  disk    fc:0x500507630703d3b30x760f00   /dev/sda   /dev/sg0    214GB
[0:0:0:0x4001405000000000]  disk    fc:0x500507630703d3b30x760f00   /dev/sdb   /dev/sg1   42.9GB
[0:0:1:0x4001403200000000]  disk    fc:0x500507630708d3b30x761000   /dev/sdc   /dev/sg2    214GB
[0:0:1:0x4001405000000000]  disk    fc:0x500507630708d3b30x761000   /dev/sdd   /dev/sg3   42.9GB
[1:0:0:0x4001403200000000]  disk    fc:0x500507630718d3b30x771000   /dev/sde   /dev/sg4    214GB
[1:0:0:0x4001405000000000]  disk    fc:0x500507630718d3b30x771000   /dev/sdf   /dev/sg5   42.9GB
[1:0:1:0x4001403200000000]  disk    fc:0x500507630713d3b30x770f00   /dev/sdg   /dev/sg6    214GB
[1:0:1:0x4001405000000000]  disk    fc:0x500507630713d3b30x770f00   /dev/sdh   /dev/sg7   42.9GB
  • verify that there are 8 SCSI block devices listed (as a result of having two adapters, two hard disks and two paths to each disk, 23 = 8)
  • verify that LUN 0x4001403200000000 corresponds to the 214GB disk, and LUN 0x4001405000000000 to the 42.9GB disk

AC3: Based on the output of multipath -l:

# multipath -l
36005076307ffd3b30000000000000132 dm-0 IBM,2107900
size=200G features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='1 alua' wp=rw
`-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=0 status=enabled
  |- 0:0:0:1077035009 sda 8:0  active undef running
  |- 0:0:1:1077035009 sdc 8:32 active undef running
  |- 1:0:0:1077035009 sde 8:64 active undef running
  `- 1:0:1:1077035009 sdg 8:96 active undef running
36005076307ffd3b30000000000000150 dm-41 IBM,2107900
size=40G features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='1 alua' wp=rw
`-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=0 status=enabled
  |- 0:0:0:1079001089 sdb 8:16  active undef running
  |- 0:0:1:1079001089 sdd 8:48  active undef running
  |- 1:0:1:1079001089 sdh 8:112 active undef running
  `- 1:0:0:1079001089 sdf 8:80  active undef running

AC4: Enable the validation in YaST group and Maintenance.

  • verify that the multipath device with WWID 36005076307ffd3b30000000000000132 corresponds to the 200G disk and the multipath device with WWID 36005076307ffd3b30000000000000150 to the 40G disk
  • verify that there are 4 block devices listed for each virtual multipath device, and those corresponds to the right LUN (1077035009 and 1079001089)


It might help to check this confluence article for some more insight on the output of the above commands.


This ticket requires that poo#105440 has been completed.


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