action #104209
closedcoordination #99303: [saga][epic] Future improvements for SUSE Maintenance QA workflows with fully automated testing, approval and release
[qem] checkpoints for aggregates
Update is in queue for a week, but qam-openqa is not yet approved. Looking into d.q.s.d/blocked
you can see some aggregate job groups failed some still running. But checking past runs, one can see that all of them already passed at some point since the update was added.
Problem is that currently, dashboards wants everything green at the same time to approve an update. That rarely happens (let's not get sidetracked on this claim). Solution would be if dashboard could be checking only until specific aggregate job group is green for the first time and then disregard any later runs.
Updated by okurz about 3 years ago
- Target version set to future
A valid feature request for the future. I assume that means that some component would need to store always the highest "watermark" per incident and approve as soon as the watermark exceeds a threshold
Updated by mgrifalconi about 3 years ago
Hello, that's great to see more agreement on this topic, but I feel this is a duplicate of a problem already mentioned here:
- and more in detail:
Updated by okurz about 3 years ago
- Related to action #97274: qam dashboard improvement ideas added
Updated by okurz about 3 years ago
- Related to action #97118: enhance bot automatic approval: check multiple days added
Updated by hurhaj about 3 years ago
mgrifalconi wrote:
Hello, that's great to see more agreement on this topic, but I feel this is a duplicate of a problem already mentioned here:
- and more in detail:
Right, seems like two similar solutions for the same problem. Anyway, I guess this issue is what's currently the biggest issue in openQA review. Not only updates are not being approved, but reviewer has to check every fail and running job groups. So I believe this feature should be planed for near future :)
Updated by okurz about 3 years ago
hurhaj wrote:
So I believe this feature should be planed for near future :)
I assume that the effort to implement this properly would be pretty high because we also need traceability why releases have been approved. And if we just say "random jobs happened to pass at random times but not all together" then this will be hard to follow unless we save corresponding test results from the corresponding times that they have passed. I would be surprised if handing the actual job failures in openQA is not a better solution. There are multiple ways how to make "failed jobs disappear", among others:
- Fix the actual test failure cause (always the preferred choice of course)
- Implement a workaround with a soft-failure so that other test modules are still executed
- Retriggering known sporadic issues, at best with auto-review
- Remove failing tests (or move to the development groups)
- Overwrite the results using
- Retry of openQA jobs based on test variables
If all of that does not work I think we got a more severe problem than needing this dashboard feature. So how can I help to make people use the above or is there something else missing we can do?
EDIT: 2021-12-22 Added as additional option
Updated by hurhaj about 3 years ago
That's what we're doing and we are in a situation in which I decided to open this issue.
We're releasing around 70 updates (not packages) weekly. Situation in repository is changing too fast to hope for ideal situation. Meanwhile, I'm going through dozens of unapproved updates, hanging in the queue for weeks, hoping I didn't miss something.
Updated by hurhaj about 3 years ago
okurz wrote:
I assume that the effort to implement this properly would be pretty high
Fully aware, I'm not expecting Christmas miracle herebecause we also need traceability why releases have been approved
Maybe bot could both comment in IBS with links to passed jobs and approve?
Updated by okurz about 3 years ago
hurhaj wrote:
That's what we're doing and we are in a situation in which I decided to open this issue.
It feels like dozens of QA engineers in QE still don't provide the work that is needed to stabilize unstable or false-positive tests. We try already in multiple of issues to address not only the technical parts but also the process related ones, e.g. in #96543, #95479, #91649, #103656, #102197, #101355, #101187
We're releasing around 70 updates (not packages) weekly. Situation in repository is changing too fast to hope for ideal situation. Meanwhile, I'm going through dozens of unapproved updates, hanging in the queue for weeks, hoping I didn't miss something.
That's of course not how it should be and it shouldn't be necessary that you need to cleanup the queue this way.
One other thought: Would it help to move more tests from aggregate into incident tests?
hurhaj wrote:
because we also need traceability why releases have been approved
Maybe bot could both comment in IBS with links to passed jobs and approve?
That would be a list of individual jobs as there would be no corresponding view in openQA to show the test results for incidents corresponding to different points in time.
Updated by okurz about 3 years ago
Discussed with hurhaj. We agreed that with increasing number of products, pending maintenance updates and number of tests the situation of "not all tests can ever pass at the same time" is becoming more likely.
okurz wrote:
I assume that the effort to implement this properly would be pretty high because we also need traceability why releases have been approved. And if we just say "random jobs happened to pass at random times but not all together" then this will be hard to follow unless we save corresponding test results from the corresponding times that they have passed.
We agreed that this is a risk although from experience of hurhaj such cases where an after-the-fact investigation would be needed were neither not necessary, did not happen or only so seldomly that we don't need to care about it.
I would be surprised if handing the actual job failures in openQA is not a better solution. There are multiple ways how to make "failed jobs disappear", among others:
- Fix the actual test failure cause (always the preferred choice of course)
- Implement a workaround with a soft-failure so that other test modules are still executed
- Retriggering known sporadic issues, at best with auto-review
- Remove failing tests (or move to the development groups)
- Overwrite the results using
- Retry of openQA jobs based on test variables
From all of the above options only 5. "Overwrite the results using" would be able to conduct without reconducting tests again which has the benefit of no additional waiting time needed. I presented to hurhaj and in particular the feature to use auto-review+force-result. According to hurhaj that would not help in the following case when update X is faulty and blocks approval of Y due to aggregate tests including X+Y failing and there is no time to reject X and rerun all tests without X or the likelyhood of newly added update Z blocking approval of Y is high. The requirement here would be similar as in #95479 to mark a failed job as acceptable, i.e. same as passed, but only for Y.
Updated by okurz about 2 years ago
I would like to help but I would like to ensure we really understand the actual problem before we go further
hurhaj wrote:
As we are still fighting needlessly long openQA queue,
What queue do you mean in particular? Do you mean queue for "qam-openqa" review in IBS and the according openQA tests that block auto-approval?
I would like to refresh the attention to this ticket and #97118 (which is pretty much the same, but was opened sooner). Jozef wrote in #97118 possible solution. Could this be implemented?
I think it's possible but it will make it even harder for reviewers to understand what's blocking auto-approval. I am expecting that such checkpoint implementation would help for a limited time until tests deteriorate even further and more random issues block maintenance updates. I have the feeling that most QE engineers working with are missing some motivation to help "make tests green". I am suspecting some people even don't know that their changes impact SLE maintenance tests. A similar thing happens e.g. for Tumbleweed but there owners, e.g. DimStar, are dilligently pointing issues out to test owners and make sure that unstable unreliable tests are removed. I don't see that commonly happening with SLE maintenance tests so I suggest to work on that.
Updated by okurz about 2 years ago
One idea: If we trigger the aggregate tests with no obsoletion, i.e. let jobs in an old build continue and not cancel when a new build is triggered, then we could only look at the list finished build as does for years. I think this would effectively achieve the original goal with the advantage of being easier to implement, easy to understand. The requirement for this to work is enough resources to be able to finish one complete build within a day but if that is a challenge then we have a different problem anyway ;)
Updated by okurz about 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
- Assignee set to okurz
I mentioned the idea on #97118 and now closing this as duplicate