action #102767
closed[security][FIPS] Rename and restruture the test cases corresponding to FIPS ceritified modules in FIPS Security job group
FIPS-related test cases are getting more in SLESP4. The idea is trying to rename and restructure the test cases corresponding to FIPS-certified modules in the FIPS Security job group.
Updated by llzhao almost 3 years ago
- Subject changed from [sle][security][sle15sp4][FIPS] Rename and restruture the test cases corresponding to FIPS ceritified modules in FIPS Security job group to [sle][security][backlog][FIPS] Rename and restruture the test cases corresponding to FIPS ceritified modules in FIPS Security job group
Updated by bchou over 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Blocked
This is the enhancement test for FIPS test groups.
We need to consider if there is a good way to integrate and simplify the test cases if possible.
Set this as blocked. We can enhance it before SLE15 SP5.
Updated by tjyrinki_suse over 2 years ago
Could you possibly give a rough outline or examples of what kind of renames would happen, and what would be the benefit?
Or would it be combining tests like there are currently same tests for fips_env and fips_kernel?
Just so we who are new to FIPS related work would understand :)
Updated by bchou over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Blocked to New
- Assignee deleted (
My original thought is that we can reclassify the test cases into different groups.
From the list:
Separate all test cases by Used FIPS Library:
Such as,
If they use OpenSSL Library and we group them as
If they use libgcrypt Library and we group them as
If they use gnutls Library and we group them as
If they use mozilla-nss Library and we group them as
If they use kernel Library and we group them as
Some others that multimachine tests will not be included in these groups.
I think it would be huge work to collect them and reclassify them. So I think we can treat it as an enhancement.
Updated by pstivanin about 2 years ago
I'm not convinced by this solution. For example, where would we put a test that's using two or more of those libs?
Updated by pstivanin about 2 years ago
- Subject changed from [sle][security][backlog][FIPS] Rename and restruture the test cases corresponding to FIPS ceritified modules in FIPS Security job group to [security][FIPS] Rename and restruture the test cases corresponding to FIPS ceritified modules in FIPS Security job group