action #177024
Updated by livdywan 16 days ago
## Observation
instead of grey as expected. There is likely some log output line in that test affecting the outer console that should be properly guarded
## Acceptance criteria
* **AC1:** t/10-virtio_terminal.t prove output shows up in the usual color same as other tests
## Suggestions
* Look into t/10-virtio_terminal.t or run it with `prove -v` to narrow down when the output color changes
* Properly guard the output, e.g. with Test::Output calls or setting config variables on the log module or something
* Consider to fix t/23-baseclass.t and t/33-vagrant.t which are likely troubled by a very similar problem
* Run `prove -I . t/10-virtio_terminal.t -v` to see the individual tests that show up yellow to find the culprit(s)