coordination #25380
Updated by SLindoMansilla over 7 years ago
## Observation The test adds repos for SLE12 and therefore it fails on SLE15. To make this work the test needs to distinguish for which system it is run. Related bug: [bsc#1070151]( openQA test in scenario sle-15-Leanos-DVD-aarch64-toolchain_zypper@aarch64 fails in [install]( ## Reproducible Fails since (at least) Build [96.4]( ## Expected result Last good: Should install GCC on SLE 15 ## Acceptance criteria - **AC1:** installation of gcc works on SLE12 SP3 and SLE15 - **AC2:** the gcc test runs without a specified version - **AC3:** the gcc5_fortran_compilation runs without a specified version ## Tasks: 1. adapt test flow to boot from already created hdd 2. Adapt the test to have _development module_ enabled ( sle-15-Installer-DVD-x86_64-Build321.5-create_hdd_minimal_base+sdk@64bit) ## Further details These settings should could be use: useful: ``` BOOT_HDD_IMAGE=1 DESKTOP=textmode HDDSIZEGB=20 HDD_1=SLES-%VERSION%-%ARCH%-%BUILD%@%MACHINE%-minimal_with_sdk%BUILD_SDK%_installed.qcow2 INSTALLONLY=1 MAX_JOB_TIME=14400 QEMUCPUS=4 QEMURAM=4096 START_AFTER_TEST=create_hdd_textmode TCM=1 START_AFTER_TEST=create_hdd_minimal_base+sdk ``` Github repo with current changes by jrauch: Always latest result in this scenario: [latest](