action #132920
Updated by JERiveraMoya over 1 year ago
#### Motivation It should be more clear just looking at the test module what are the actions in []( Of course, we are talking about the function `sub deregister_dropped_modules` to extract its logic in different test modules, the code is just iterating over comma-separated values in settings, creating unnecessary complexity. We need test modules which address specific actions in a very straightforward way and very transparent display, so any user (ie: a developer in a bug report) could reproduce manually this. This piece of code seems to be doing: This block deals with LTSS, it should have its own test module with name (according to [documentation]( (let's use some hash instead of if/else conditions here) ``` remove_suseconnect_product('SLE_HPC-LTSS'); remove_suseconnect_product('SLES-LTSS'); ``` Do we really use or need this part in the YaM scope? ``` zypper_call 'rm -t product SLES-LTSS'; zypper_call 'rm sles-ltss-release-POOL'; ``` We don't need setting DROPPED_MODULES because the only other case to be taking into account is the [python2]( so let's create a test module only for this ``` remove_suseconnect_product(get_addon_fullname($name)); ``` Finally after each the two modules create above we might need to adjust the settings, but I don't think it is responsibility of this module to do this, during the migration itself ltss or python can be excluded. File a ticket to adjust it there if it is not possible at the moment and keep this code or even better fix it there on target. ``` @all_addons = grep { $_ ne $name } @all_addons; set_var('SCC_ADDONS', join(',', @all_addons)); ``` #### Acceptance criteria **AC1**: Split/improve this piece of logic following recommendations above #### Additional information Refactored test suite are currently in [this job group]( with names ending on `*_split_patch_sle`.