


action #13712

Updated by okurz over 7 years ago

## User story 
 As a reviewer of all tests on an openQA instance looking for common problems I want the overview page to show me results from multiple or all of distri/version/flavor/group so that I do not need to open one page for every single combination 

 ## acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** the test overview page supports display of multiple distri/version/flavor/group by selecting multiple 
 * **AC2:** the test overview page supports display of all results within each of the above mentioned list if the corresponding value has not been specified (as for "latest build" when leaving out build) 
 * **AC3:** multiple values for one parameter are OR-combined 

 ## out of scope 
 * showing multiple builds at once 
 * showing specific build for individual set when zero or multiple values are specified for *distri*, *version*, etc. 

 ## further details 

 *flavor*, *machine*, *test*, *arch* have been shown all previously anyway so they should merely be preserved in their behaviour. So regarding expected new behaviour we can focus on *distri*, *version*, *build*. *version* should be handled like a specialization of *distri* in general. 

 Regarding **AC2** there are some "interesting" scenarios: 

 * *no distri*, *no version*, *build*, e.g. '/tests/overview?build=0123' -> that can be very ambiguous as a build might appear everywhere. Anyway, to not restrict anything - maybe the instance is just used for one distri+version - just return what has been found for that build -> query DB for that build 
 * *distri*, *version*, *build* -> easy case (if single value for each) -> lookup DB by that specification and return 
 * *distri*, *version*, *no build* -> most recent build within *distri*+*version* 
 * *no distri*, *no version*, *no build* -> lookup distris+versions first, find most recent build for each
