


action #91755

Updated by oorlov about 3 years ago

We have created a package [lib/partitions_validator_utils]( which group some functionality for validating partitioning, but we haven't thought much how this functions could be reused in others tests, for example: 
 - validate_partition_table should contain more clear the argument to be passed. 
 - Avoid conditional statements. 
 - Libraries should give us the information that we need running the commands, assertion should be done on the test itself. 
 - Wrap blkid/lsblk parsers with some parametrized function so it can be reused easily. lsblk has an option to be exported to json. 
 - subvolume validation might be move to a different library for btrfs actions. 
 - We could think to rename it to something like /lib/validators/ so package name will be validators::partitioning. 
 - Grep for 'lsbkl' and find all occurrences and try avoid duplication (if it is too much places to refactor then consider new ticket) 

 For example, we have this [block of code]( with no relation with `sub validate_unpartitioned_space` in lib/ 

 In general we should split the functionality in this library to have more fine grain and document it with perlpod. 
