


action #88612

Updated by riafarov about 3 years ago

### Motivation 
 Currently, error output in `validate_autoyast_profile` function is shown without readable separation between errors and list of executed queries. So that it is not so easy to get what is wrong by just looking in `autoinst-log.txt` 

 Please see the [current_not_formatted.png]( screenshot for how it looks. 

 If format the output, then it is easy to read and clarify what is wrong. Please see the [how_looks_formatted.png]( screenshot for how it looks when formatted. 

 ### Task 
 Beautify the output of errors found during AutoYaST profile validation, so that it is easy to determine of what is wrong. 
 **Assumption:** it can be simply made by replacing "\n" characters in the string with the actual 'new line' character (this is what I actually did when got the formatted output). 

 ### Further info 
 We could use data we have in yaml to show in the output which node we have expected and also print xpath for debugging the test, in case there is an issue with this part. 
 We already upload autoyast profile, so we can skip printing parts of the generated xml.
