


action #88612

Updated by oorlov about 3 years ago

### Motivation 
 Currently, error output in `validate_autoyast_profile` function is shown without readable separation between errors and list of executed queries. So that it is not so easy to get what is wrong by just looking in `autoinst-log.txt` 

 Please see the [current_not_formatted.png]( [[current_not_formatted.png]] screenshot for how it looks. 

 If format the output, then it is easy to read and clarify what is wrong. Please see the [how_looks_formatted.png]( [[how_looks_formatted.png]] screenshot for how it looks when formatted. 

 ### Task 
 Beautify the output of errors found during AutoYaST profile validation, so that it is easy to determine of what is wrong. 
 **Assumption:** it can be simply made by replacing "\n" characters in the string with the actual 'new line' character (this is what I actually did when got the formatted output). 
