


action #66206

Updated by riafarov almost 4 years ago

We have used `$include` key for including new files. 
 YAML::PP supports that out of the box, so we can use the library instead of own implementation. 

 We should also not limit file inclusion to test_data only and allow splitting schedules into multiple mutliple ones, so that keys can be merged, for instance. 

 Also note, that using constructor for parser will be necessary, as legacy interface is currently used. 


 ## Acceptance criteria 
 1. YAML::PP is used to include other yaml files 
 2. $include keyword is not used anymore and schedules are adjusted accordingly 
 3. In case of same setting being given in multiple files we should have deterministic behavior 
 4. CI checks are adjusted accordingly 
 5. Documentation is updated 
 6. 5. Unit tests are updated 

 ## Further info 
 Do not forget to enable merge key functionality by: 
 `my $ypp = YAML::PP->new( schema => [qw(+ Merge)] );` 
 `my $ypp = YAML::PP->new( schema => ['JSON', $include] );`
