


action #65960

Updated by oorlov almost 5 years ago

## Motivation 

 registration module is proposed as the first module to test with libyui-client. Though it is unsure if all the widgets to communicate with the module already created. 

 ## Task 
 Implement libyui_client widgets required to make test for registration module (Qt and ncurses). module. 

 ## Proposed steps 
 1. Install latest version of Sle15-SP2 with libyui-rest-api (as currently it is not clear where the package is located, e.g. enable all patterns during installation); 
 2. Run registration module in both ncurses and Qt (e.g. for Qt xdg-su -c "env YUI_HTTP_REMOTE=1 YUI_HTTP_PORT=9998 /sbin/yast2 registration") 
 3. Connect to the module with browser/curl or any other client which allows to make GET requests and provide easy visualization of returned JSON; 
 4. Identify all the Widgets that are used in registration module; 
 5. Implement the widgets in libyui_client.
