


action #65352

Updated by JRivrain over 4 years ago

Certain soft-failures seem to be outdated, but yet still necessary in nis tests: 

 ### # Missing firewalld service files for NFS/NIS -> lack of support for RPC (bsc#1083486) 

 We are creating a service file, wich enables the "open firewall port" in yast. but : 
 - should we do that ? the user will probably open the port in another way, like opening ports manually or using the script mentioned here: 
 So in real life, the user will most probably never have that button. Maybe this could be solved by creating a feature request to firewalld maintainers.  

 ### # NIS client can't find NIS server 

 This bug was reported in 2016 against sle12 sp1. We still seem to need that workaround, but the referenced bug is probably irrelevant now.
