action #13034
Updated by coolo over 8 years ago
We need to have some meta data in our tests - so that reviewers for other products have a contact person without having to check git blame. For this we should have well defined comments in the .pm files. Two fields should be mandatory. ``` # Summary: This is a multi line text describing what was the intention behind this test, e.g. # describing the difference between SLE and TW that made it necessary to have an opensuse # specific variant of another test. But it can also contain links for more details. # Maintainer: ``` Additionally we might want more optional fields e.g. for integration into But also openqa specifics might be interesting ``` # Tags: under-development,sle-specific ``` We should start with adding a likely maintainer from git history and possibly the git log of the first commit with a script and have a travis check that verifies new tests have maintainer and summary. Accompanied with a review policy that people touching tests need to review the summary too (the summaries from the script will be stupid :)