


action #12214

Updated by okurz about 8 years ago

## observation - is this a timing issue with broken test or product issue? 

 ## steps to reproduce 
 Call a test_suite like "lvm+RAID1" and try to follow what steps exactly are executed when. 

 ## problem 
 logic in test is complicated. 
 okurz: IMHO it's a test issue paired with a unoptimal product behaviour. The test is going to "crypt lvm management" when it should create another raid partition instead *but* a problem is (or might be) that the previous dialog for creation of a RAID volume exits and the created RAID volume does not show up at once but only *an instance later* which could cause the confusion 

 ## suggestion 
 Add some "diag" calls or similar to easier follow the test procedure. 

 ## workaround 
 download videos and go through single frames, e.g. using smplayer with ',' and '.' shortcuts.
