


action #44528

Updated by okurz over 5 years ago

## Motivation 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** Research has been conducted why perlcritic was not applied for PR checks 
 * **AC2:** Ensure `Makefile` already includes what really works regarding perlcritic 

 ## Suggestions 
 * Find out from git log and history of travis jobs or by test bisecting when was the last time perlcritic tests were conducted as part of travis CI jobs on the master branch and/or pull requests. If you want to go the route of "test bisecting" I suggest to find a simple patch that introduces something that perlcritic would complain about, e.g. write `use foo qw(bar)` which perlcritic complains about because we prefer `use foo 'bar'`. Then apply this patch and call `make test` as part of `git bisect run …` between the commit that initially introduced perlcritic checks and the current one (or the one from jeriveramoya that fixed it recently) 
 * Depending on the cause of the regression find out if the Makefile has code without an effect and fix it or if the last fix actually already covered this as well so that there is only effective code included
