


action #11922

Updated by mgriessmeier over 6 years ago

as discussed with Marita, we want to have AutoYaST tested on s390x as well 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** At least one autoyast test is scheduled on osd or o3 executing an autoyast fresh installation (upgrade scenario is already there) on s390x (any backend) 
 * **AC2:** Check following bugs (manually) if they are still valid and/or take as starting point for automated AY-Installation 
   * [AutoYast installation fails to detect/sense the DASD]( - (sles11.2) 
   * [autoyast2: yast2-network: Installation using AutoYast fails in second stage]( - (sles12.1) 
   * [Network configuration missing in autoinst.xml]( - (sles12.1) 

 ## Tasks 
 * Take the easiest autoyast test with the simplest profile and run it on s390x :)
