



action #99069


Leap 15.3 can't go past installation

Added by apappas almost 3 years ago. Updated almost 3 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:


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Now that SLE binaries are shipped to Leap, we need to test them in osd. Currently those are setup in the Development group and in this JobGroup. There hasn't been a complete run yet because the tests and their settings need some love.


openQA test in scenario opensuse-15.3-Leap-DVD-Incidents-x86_64-cryptlvm@64bit fails in

Actions #1

Updated by oorlov almost 3 years ago

From what I can see, love will not help in this case:) Seems like it just doesn't work, as error appears in the product itself. It is not something that can be resolved by openQA test modules.

Actions #2

Updated by apappas almost 3 years ago

Are you sure it's a bug in the product and not in the configuration?

Actions #3

Updated by oorlov almost 3 years ago

  • Project changed from openQA Tests to qe-yam
  • Subject changed from [qe-yast] Leap 15.3 can't go past installation to Leap 15.3 can't go past installation
  • Category deleted (Bugs in existing tests)
  • Assignee set to oorlov
  • Target version set to Current

I downloaded the image and reproduced the issue manually when 1 Gb RAM is used. Then I found out that minimum system requirements for Leap 15.3 ask for 1.5 Gb RAM when using online repos (which is the case in our tests): Then I used VM with 2 Gb and the issue has gone.

So, I updated machine in Job Group settings for Leap15.3 to 64bit-2gbram and also executed VR, which shown that the job is passing through this step: (when I'm typing this message, it is not finished yet, but already passed the logpackages test module. So, it may fail somewhere else, but for now it is passing.)

In the end it was misconfiguration, you're right. So, love helped, even though I was pessimistic on this matter:))

All further jobs should pass on this step. Please, let me know (here or in Slack) if you'll need any other assistance.

Actions #4

Updated by oorlov almost 3 years ago

Well, 64bit-2gbram worker does not exist, even though it is listed among machines.

So, I added QEMURAM: 2048 to defaults in Job Group.

  QEMURAM: '2048'

Should also do the trick.

Actions #5

Updated by oorlov almost 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Passed on last several builds:

So, closing the ticket.

Actions #6

Updated by apappas almost 3 years ago

  • Parent task changed from #72202 to #92563

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