action #96314
open[mtui] Update MTUI to use new format for Testplatform
Currently templates contain metadata for example:
Testplatform: base=HPC(major=15,minor=);arch=[x86_64]
Testplatform: base=sap-aio(major=15,minor=);arch=[x86_64]
Testplatform: base=sles(major=15,minor=);arch=[s390x,x86_64]
Testplatform: base=SLE_HPC(major=15,minor=);arch=[aarch64,x86_64]
Testplatform: base=SLES(major=15,minor=);arch=[aarch64,ppc64le,s390x,x86_64];addon=SLES-LTSS(major=15,minor=)
Testplatform: base=SLES_SAP(major=15,minor=);arch=[ppc64le,x86_64]
Currently only Testplatform: base=sap-aio(major=15,minor=);arch=[x86_64] and Testplatform: base=sles(major=15,minor=);arch=[s390x,x86_64] are read and followed by MTUI.
This is the old format of the metadata.
The other ones in new format are skipped automatically.
The problem is, that as you can see, old format uses fewer architectures for example as it is generated based on older mechanism with various quirks which are no longer needed.
Updated by jbaier_cz over 3 years ago
Just to clarify more, not only those two types of testplaforms are generated by slightly different algorithms, they also consumes different data sources productdefs vs. productdefs-ng. Maintaining both of them and keeping them in sync is also a possible source of some weird issues.