



tickets #95512


Some mirrors do not have openSUSE-Leap-15.3-JeOS.x86_64-OpenStack-Cloud.qcow2

Added by juliogonzalezgil almost 3 years ago. Updated almost 3 years ago.

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The validation testsuites for SUSE Manager and Uyuni use the image:


We just noticed that some mirrors in US and Europe do not have the image, and cause a 404 when is used.

One example for US is

We could not locate the one for the Europe, but we know there is one, because we could reproduce the issue with the SUSE Manager testsuites in Europe (NUE) as well.

Best regards.

Julio González Gil
Release Engineer, SUSE Manager and Uyuni


signature.asc (833 Bytes) signature.asc juliogonzalezgil, 2021-07-14 15:29
Actions #1

Updated by juliogonzalezgil almost 3 years ago

Any news? :-)

Actions #2

Updated by pjessen almost 3 years ago

  • Subject changed from Some mirrros do not have openSUSE-Leap-15.3-JeOS.x86_64-OpenStack-Cloud.qcow2 to Some mirrors do not have openSUSE-Leap-15.3-JeOS.x86_64-OpenStack-Cloud.qcow2
  • Category set to Mirrors
  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee set to pjessen
  • Private changed from Yes to No

juliogonzalezgil wrote:

Any news? :-)

It's holiday time, things take longer ...

One example for US is

Currently that one looks good to me. Downloading it just now.

It is always possible that a mirror does not have everything, but the scanner should normally find out about it.
Looking at
I see 14 mirrors in Europe plus 8 around the world.

If you can add a list of which mirrors are returning 404, that would help.

Actions #3

Updated by juliogonzalezgil almost 3 years ago

If you can add a list of which mirrors are returning 404, that would help.

Sadly I can't. This was reported by one of the members of the QAM team, but when I tried to reproduce (several times), it seems I could not hit the same mirror. I guess because Europe has more than US.

I will change our CI to point again to, and if we can't reproduce in a few days, we'll assume it was "automagically" fixed, as the US mirror.

Actions #4

Updated by juliogonzalezgil almost 3 years ago

Just for self-reference, in case we need to rollback again if we find issues:

Actions #5

Updated by pjessen almost 3 years ago

juliogonzalezgil wrote:

If you can add a list of which mirrors are returning 404, that would help.

Sadly I can't. This was reported by one of the members of the QAM team, but when I tried to reproduce (several times), it seems I could not hit the same mirror. I guess because Europe has more than US.

The mirrorlist will always show you all of the available mirrors.

Actions #6

Updated by juliogonzalezgil almost 3 years ago

Yes, but when we had the problem, was offering as a mirror one of the mirrors that didn't have the file. So I guess the mirror was present at the mirrorlist file?

Anyway, I used curl for all the European mirrors and: -> 403 -> 403 -> I fail to connect from my location -> 403 -> 404 -> 404 -> 404 -> 404 -> 404

So it seems quite a few mirrors are still not working, and my guess was correct? offers the mirrors even if they don't have the file?

Actions #7

Updated by juliogonzalezgil almost 3 years ago

As for the rest of the world: -> I fail to connect from my location (normal, I guess) -> I fail to connect from my location (normal, I guess) -> I fail to connect from my location (normal, I guess) -> I fail to connect from my location (normal, I guess) -> I fail to connect from my location (normal, I guess) -> 404 -> 403 -> 404 -> 404 -> 404

Actions #8

Updated by pjessen almost 3 years ago

juliogonzalezgil wrote:

Yes, but when we had the problem, was offering as a mirror one of the mirrors that didn't have the file. So I guess the mirror was present at the mirrorlist file?

That could be a problem with the mirror scanner (olaf), if it has not picked up that a mirror does not have a file. -> 403 -> 403 -> I fail to connect from my location -> 403 -> 404 -> 404 -> 404 -> 404 -> 404 -> I fail to connect from my location (normal, I guess) -> I fail to connect from my location (normal, I guess) -> I fail to connect from my location (normal, I guess) -> I fail to connect from my location (normal, I guess) -> I fail to connect from my location (normal, I guess) -> 404 -> 403 -> 404 -> 404 -> 404

Normally mirrors don't block anyone outright, but a connection to Indonesia might be very slow from outside Indonesia.
Most of our mirrors do not support https, but when I use http, except, all of the above worked.

Actions #9

Updated by pjessen almost 3 years ago

pjessen wrote:

Most of our mirrors do not support https, but when I use http, except, all of the above worked.

I suggest you use http when accessing download.o.o/mirrors, then there should be no issue. If that works, we can close this as resolved.

Actions #10

Updated by juliogonzalezgil almost 3 years ago

I don't really understand your suggestion. We don't call the mirrors directly. We called

In fact points to if you review the source code, so users could be having this very same problem. If that's wrong, then all links everywhere to should change to http.

But anyway, shouldn't redirect to the mirror according to and therefore use http or https according to the information there?

But anyway, some mirrors are still broken even on HTTP.

For example: -> 404 -> 404

And this mirror is still at and listed as https (and not as http).

As far as I can tell by using curl -L against all URLs, that's the only one broken as of today.

Actions #11

Updated by pjessen almost 3 years ago

juliogonzalezgil wrote:

I don't really understand your suggestion. We don't call the mirrors directly. We called

Use instead of

In fact points to if you review the source code, so users could be having this very same problem. If that's wrong, then all links everywhere to should change to http.

There is some or other reason why has, I can't remember why. Something to do with chrome/ium.

But anyway, shouldn't redirect to the mirror according to and therefore use http or https according to the information there?

Well, is redirected to mirrorcache, some bolt-on solution that is supposed to handle https. I don't know how well that currently works.

But anyway, some mirrors are still broken even on HTTP.

Yeah, that is always a possibility, but it should not upset your downloads.

For example: -> 404

That is a weird one, the file is listed in the directory, but still gives a 404. The scanner will not know that.

Actions #12

Updated by juliogonzalezgil almost 3 years ago

pjessen wrote:

juliogonzalezgil wrote:

I don't really understand your suggestion. We don't call the mirrors directly. We called

Use instead of

Yes, I could understand that. What I don't understand is why that should make a difference. The mirrordirector should point to the right URL for the mirror (HTTP or HTTPS) according to the lists.

In fact points to if you review the source code, so users could be having this very same problem. If that's wrong, then all links everywhere to should change to http.

There is some or other reason why has, I can't remember why. Something to do with chrome/ium.

HTTPS is becoming mandatory on chromium, if you don't want to get a security alert. And there's a very good reason for that: even if credentials are not being exchanged, the connection happens in clear text and anyone can see what you are doing (even if that only means you are downloading openSUSE Leap)

But anyway, shouldn't redirect to the mirror according to and therefore use http or https according to the information there?

Well, is redirected to mirrorcache, some bolt-on solution that is supposed to handle https. I don't know how well that currently works.

Ok, but anyway: how can be possible that I get 404 for a mirror that doesn't support HTTPS? In that case the connection should just fail because connecting to port 443 does not work.

But anyway, some mirrors are still broken even on HTTP.

Yeah, that is always a possibility, but it should not upset your downloads.

Well, if I call and the mirrordirector points me to a mirror that causes 404, the download will fail. How is it that it will not upset the downloads?

For example: -> 404

That is a weird one, the file is listed in the directory, but still gives a 404. The scanner will not know that.

No idea. I saw so many strange things with the syncing to mirrors at this point, that could be a problem with a mirror failing to sync a rebuild of the same filename, or who knows what else. But looks to me like the indonesian users (and I guess people from Indian/Pacific oceans area) will hit this. Not sure if you can talk to the mirror, or at least remove it from the mirror director.

As for us, OK, we'll use http. But not sure if you want to keep the issue open. This should work transparently for the users, regardless of HTTP or HTTPS being used :-)

Actions #13

Updated by pjessen almost 3 years ago

juliogonzalezgil wrote:

pjessen wrote:

juliogonzalezgil wrote:

I don't really understand your suggestion. We don't call the mirrors directly. We called

Use instead of

Yes, I could understand that. What I don't understand is why that should make a difference. The mirrordirector should point to the right URL for the mirror (HTTP or HTTPS) according to the lists.

In a nutshell - our Mirrorbrain does not support https. We do not keep track of which mirrors support https and which don't. Mirrorcache may or may not help, I don't know. The best solution is to revert to http.

But anyway, shouldn't redirect to the mirror according to and therefore use http or https according to the information there?

Well, is redirected to mirrorcache, some bolt-on solution that is supposed to handle https. I don't know how well that currently works.

Ok, but anyway: how can be possible that I get 404 for a mirror that doesn't support HTTPS? In that case the connection should just fail because connecting to port 443 does not work.

In principle yes, but in practice it is not quite so simple - it depends on the mirror setup on the other end. As far as we are concerned, https is not supported, but a mirror may still have it, or maybe it doesn't work or maybe is isn't quite finished.

But anyway, some mirrors are still broken even on HTTP.

Yeah, that is always a possibility, but it should not upset your downloads.

Well, if I call and the mirrordirector points me to a mirror that causes 404, the download will fail. How is it that it will not upset the downloads?

Your client will pick the next mirror instead, I expect? That is what zypper does.

For example: -> 404

That is a weird one, the file is listed in the directory, but still gives a 404. The scanner will not know that.

No idea. I saw so many strange things with the syncing to mirrors at this point, that could be a problem with a mirror failing to sync a rebuild of the same filename, or who knows what else. But looks to me like the indonesian users (and I guess people from Indian/Pacific oceans area) will hit this. Not sure if you can talk to the mirror, or at least remove it from the mirror director.

Yeah, see #96687.

As for us, OK, we'll use http. But not sure if you want to keep the issue open. This should work transparently for the users, regardless of HTTP or HTTPS being used :-)

I agree completely, but I'm afraid it's not my issue. As far as I am concerned, our mirroring infrastructure only supports http. Anyone trying https is diverted to "mirrorcache", maybe it works.

Actions #14

Updated by juliogonzalezgil almost 3 years ago

pjessen wrote:

juliogonzalezgil wrote:

pjessen wrote:

juliogonzalezgil wrote:

I don't really understand your suggestion. We don't call the mirrors directly. We called

Use instead of

Yes, I could understand that. What I don't understand is why that should make a difference. The mirrordirector should point to the right URL for the mirror (HTTP or HTTPS) according to the lists.

In a nutshell - our Mirrorbrain does not support https. We do not keep track of which mirrors support https and which don't. Mirrorcache may or may not help, I don't know. The best solution is to revert to http.

I don't understand. Then how is it that the .mirrorlist file actually has mirrors with http (some) and mirrors with https (most)?

For example

But anyway, shouldn't redirect to the mirror according to and therefore use http or https according to the information there?

Well, is redirected to mirrorcache, some bolt-on solution that is supposed to handle https. I don't know how well that currently works.

Ok, but anyway: how can be possible that I get 404 for a mirror that doesn't support HTTPS? In that case the connection should just fail because connecting to port 443 does not work.

In principle yes, but in practice it is not quite so simple - it depends on the mirror setup on the other end. As far as we are concerned, https is not supported, but a mirror may still have it, or maybe it doesn't work or maybe is isn't quite finished.

But I guess you are aware that some of the mirrors are actually enforcing HTTPS even if you call just happened right now.

`$ curl -L -v

But anyway, some mirrors are still broken even on HTTP.

Yeah, that is always a possibility, but it should not upset your downloads.

Well, if I call and the mirrordirector points me to a mirror that causes 404, the download will fail. How is it that it will not upset the downloads?

Your client will pick the next mirror instead, I expect? That is what zypper does.

No, zypper does that, but it doesn't happen if you are using any browser to download an image, and doesn't happen when using terraform + libvirt provider (which in the end just calls libvirt for the image download AFAIK). Still, even if we could fix this on libvirt or the libvirt provider, it will not fix the issues for any user downloading images using a browser.

For example: -> 404

That is a weird one, the file is listed in the directory, but still gives a 404. The scanner will not know that.

No idea. I saw so many strange things with the syncing to mirrors at this point, that could be a problem with a mirror failing to sync a rebuild of the same filename, or who knows what else. But looks to me like the indonesian users (and I guess people from Indian/Pacific oceans area) will hit this. Not sure if you can talk to the mirror, or at least remove it from the mirror director.

Yeah, see #96687.

As for us, OK, we'll use http. But not sure if you want to keep the issue open. This should work transparently for the users, regardless of HTTP or HTTPS being used :-)

I agree completely, but I'm afraid it's not my issue. As far as I am concerned, our mirroring infrastructure only supports http. Anyone trying https is diverted to "mirrorcache", maybe it works.

I admit I am a complete ignorant, but I understand = "our mirroring infrastructure", while "" is mirrorcache?

In any case, I already raised the issue that could happen for users downloading images via (not to mention a lot of places such as mention

As for us, I will just change our terraform code to always use http, so the issue can be closed :-)

Actions #15

Updated by pjessen almost 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

In a nutshell - our Mirrorbrain does not support https. We do not keep track of which mirrors support https and which don't.

Mirrorcache may or may not help, I don't know. The best solution is to revert to http.

I don't understand. Then how is it that the .mirrorlist file actually has mirrors with http (some) and mirrors with https (most)?

For example

This is mirrorcache, not mirrorbrain - I don't know where mirrorcache has the information from. Maybe it probes the mirrors, dunno.

Ok, but anyway: how can be possible that I get 404 for a mirror that doesn't support HTTPS? In that case the connection should just fail because connecting to port 443 does not work.

In principle yes, but in practice it is not quite so simple - it depends on the mirror setup on the other end. As far as we are concerned, https is not supported, but a mirror may still have it, or maybe it doesn't work or maybe is isn't quite finished.

But I guess you are aware that some of the mirrors are actually enforcing HTTPS even if you call just happened right now.

I was not aware, no. That is really only a matter for the mirror operators, we don't mind.

But anyway, some mirrors are still broken even on HTTP.

Yeah, that is always a possibility, but it should not upset your downloads.

Well, if I call and the mirrordirector points me to a mirror that causes 404, the download will fail. How is it that it will not upset the downloads?

Your client will pick the next mirror instead, I expect? That is what zypper does.

No, zypper does that, but it doesn't happen if you are using any browser to download an image, and doesn't happen when using terraform + libvirt provider (which in the end just calls libvirt for the image download AFAIK). Still, even if we could fix this on libvirt or the libvirt provider, it will not fix the issues for any user downloading images using a browser.

Feel free to open an issue "not all mirrors are up-to-date all the time". It's a simple fact of life, and sometimes I have to ask the operator to have a look. (rarely though).

I agree completely, but I'm afraid it's not my issue. As far as I am concerned, our mirroring infrastructure only supports http. Anyone trying https is diverted to "mirrorcache", maybe it works.

I admit I am a complete ignorant, but I understand = "our mirroring infrastructure", while "" is mirrorcache?

That is what we currently do, yes. I look after mirrorbrain only, mirrorcache is an extension, and I don't know the status of it. From mirrorbrain, we only redirect https requests to mirrorcache.

As for us, I will just change our terraform code to always use http, so the issue can be closed :-)

Cool, thanks for your patience, I appreciate it isn't easy to understand.


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