action #94661
closed[teregen] template generator - make sure to skip SUSE:Updates:openSUSE-* release targets for test report generation
Starting with 15.3, openSUSE Leap uses identical binary packages as SLES if the source is shared, both for installation and updates.
Starting 2021-06-24 a change was put in place how these binary packages are channeled to the openSUSE 15.3 update repositories. From that date on, the incident project configuration (project.xml) for SLE updates might contain sections like this:
<repository name="SUSE_Updates_openSUSE-SLE_15.3">
<releasetarget project="SUSE:Updates:openSUSE-SLE:15.3" repository="update" trigger="maintenance"/>
<path project="SUSE:Updates:openSUSE-SLE:15.3" repository="update"/>
Since we don't want to manually re-validate SLE updates on openSUSE outside of openQA, we need to make sure that the template generator is skipping over such releasetarget definitions and doesn't try to create a product definition or a list of reference test machines from it.
Currently, we got 1 error and 1 warning from the template generator on such incidents:
2021/06/23 18:01:30 W SUSE:Maintenance:20182:243591 QAM.TeReGen.Input.OBS: Ignoring "SUSE:Updates:openSUSE-SLE:15.3" - not representing any known product
2021/06/23 18:01:30 E SUSE:Maintenance:20182:243591 QAM.TeReGen.Input.OBS: Cannot parse version from SUSE_Updates_openSUSE-SLE_15.3
The test reports currently generated and look good, e.g.
However, we need to make sure for the future that the release target SUSE:Updates:openSUSE-SLE:15.3 is excluded more gracefully / intentionally by the template generator.
Updated by okurz over 3 years ago
- Subject changed from template generator - make sure to skip SUSE:Updates:openSUSE-* release targets for test report generation to [teregen] template generator - make sure to skip SUSE:Updates:openSUSE-* release targets for test report generation
Updated by okurz over 3 years ago
- Due date set to 2021-08-31
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to jbaier_cz
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
@jbaier_cz we tried to estimate the ticket in the team but found it unfeasible to do so without you :) Please help us to refine the ticket so that we can estimate it together.
Updated by jbaier_cz over 3 years ago
If I am not mistaken, we just need to introduces two fixes. One for legacy code ( and one for new code ( to entirely ignore the new "product". There might be some other minor changes where product list is evaluated (so some more filtering and exceptions might need to be added). Overall, seems like a small ticket as no additional changes (except ignoring the product) are requested.
Updated by jbaier_cz over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to jbaier_cz
Issue will be targeted by MR!62
Updated by jbaier_cz over 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
Updated by jbaier_cz over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
New code is in production, S:M:20941:248857 looks as expected, both mentioned log entries are missing in the error log.