



tickets #93047


Outage of

Added by hcvv about 3 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

3rd party hosted
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:



There are complaints at the forums that is
down. It says Down for Server maintenance.

This site is used by YaST > Software > Software repositories and then Add
repository > From the community repos. The list shown then is loaded from this
openSUSE Community site. It will show e.g. Packman, libdvdcss and Nvidia, all
important additions for many, often first, installers.

When this site is not available, this is a serious problem and a negative
experience for those first installers (and of course also frustrating for
those that are not first installers, but are used to using this as a normal
way to round off an installation).

This outage is already for some days (I can not be more specific, but it was
mentioned as a loose remark in a thread a few days ago, where the OP then
added repos "manualy").

I have no idea if this openSUSE community site falls under the openSUSE
admins. When this is the wrong place, please forward it to the right contact
or inform me on how to handle this.

Thanks in advance.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Henk van Velden

Actions #1

Updated by pjessen about 3 years ago

  • Private changed from Yes to No

hcvv wrote:


There are complaints at the forums that is
down. It says Down for Server maintenance.

Right now it looks fine, I guess somebody fixed it in the meantime.

I have no idea if this openSUSE community site falls under the openSUSE

Me neither - it is hosted at Hetzner. I don't think it is one that we deal with, but I don't know who does.

Actions #2

Updated by hcvv about 3 years ago

It indeed is up again. The list offered at YaST is a bit scanty, only Packman and nVidia are there, but those are the crucial ones.

While this YaST functionality depends on it, it seems to be a site outside the control of the openSUSE maintainers.

Actions #3

Updated by lrupp about 3 years ago

  • Category set to 3rd party hosted
  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assignee set to lrupp
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Closing the ticket here for now, as the page is reachable again.

While the heroes are not involved, we have a dedicated category here in the ticket system for such services: "3rd party". The admins of such 3rd party services are either known to some of the heroes or look on their own in this category. So filing a ticket via admin@.o.o is ok, if you don't know the direct contact person: somehow it will be solved, or you might get direct feedback that the heroes can not take over.

I hope this helps!

Actions #4

Updated by hcvv about 3 years ago

That is reassuring information. Thanks for taking it up when needed.


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