action #91800
closed5-year old job not cleaned up, why?
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Observation¶ is a 5 year old job with no job modules included, that does not look important and the job group "Regression: SLE 12 SP2" has "Keep results for 40 days" so I assume that job should be long gone. Why is it not?
Updated by coolo almost 4 years ago
Build 2091 is RC2 and tagged as important
yosun wrote 5 years ago
tag:2091:important:RC2 candidate
We're generally bad in cleaning up important flags
Updated by okurz almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to coolo
ok. I overlooked that. Thanks. Then I guess this is ok because the group has indefinite storage for important results. I don't see a need to fully remove these results. Even more so we have good plans with #80546 so that we can use more space effectively. It's fine :)