action #742
closedneed a osc plugin to sync openSUSE:Factory and openSUSE:Factory:Rebuild
We need to make sure that all failures in :Rebuild are triggered in openSUSE:Factory to verify it builds there.
You can query the failures by calling e.g. /build/openSUSE:Factory/_result?code=failed on the API
The plugin should not act when the repo state is dirty and it should have a dryrun mode.
Updated by toscalix over 11 years ago
- Due date set to 2013-10-16
- Target version set to 13.1 RC1
Julian, please update this task to keep track. Ask Ancor how to update the task and the diary at the same time
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Target version deleted (
13.1 RC1)
I have some problems with the makeurl function from osc.core. And i have to add the dryrun mode
Updated by coolo over 11 years ago
ok, the _results route does not work - as we found out pretty late ;(
- /build/openSUSE:Factory/standard/x86_64/_jobhistory?code=lastfailures
Gives you XML where you can filter for code='failed' - this will always work
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
I have a problem to get the complete xml file. I download it with urllib2 but i get only a part of the file
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved