tickets #68042
closedStale files on
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The tumbleweed and distribution folders on widehat haven't been updated since Jan 2020. For example:
Is this mirror still active? Otherwise, do you have recommended mirrors (with ports and tumbleweed) that can be used as a rsync upstream?
Thanks for your help!
Updated by pjessen over 4 years ago
- Tracker changed from communication to tickets
- Status changed from New to Workable
- Private changed from Yes to No
I can confirm rsync.o.o is way out of date. I also see no rsync access from any 62.146.92 address in the last 30 days. What is almost worse, at mirrors.o.o, it is still listed as being current. I can't access widehat, my key isn't installed.
Updated by lrupp over 4 years ago
pjessen wrote:
I can't access widehat, my key isn't installed.
I added your key now.
Updated by lrupp about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Workable to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100