action #67393
closedcoordination #36712: [saga] Use YaST specific framework for GUI testing
[functional][y] Selection of rows does not work as expected when set in JSON in different order than are displayed
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Selection of rows does not work as expected when rows are displayed in different order that are represented in JSON, or at least that it is my assumption.
I could see this happen in yast2 partitioner in the first table that is displayed for the partition of one disk.
So when trying to select /dev/vda3 (not even adding the column index) it is selecting /dev/vda2 and viceversa on the server side.
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9998/widgets?id=%22Y2Partitioner%3A%3AWi
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9998/widgets?id=%22Y2Partitioner%3A%3AWi
"alignment" :
"class" : "YTable",
"columns" : 7,
"hasMultiSelection" : false,
"header" :
"Mount Point"
"hstretch" : true,
"icon_base_path" : "",
"id" : "\"Y2Partitioner::Widgets::ConfigurableBlkDevicesTable\"",
"immediate_mode" : true,
"items" :
"icons" :
"labels" :
"30.00 GiB",
"icons" :
"labels" :
"8.00 MiB",
"BIOS Boot Partition",
"icons" :
"labels" :
"2.00 GiB",
"Swap Partition",
"icons" :
"labels" :
"27.99 GiB",
"BtrFS Partition",
"selected" : true
"items_count" : 4,
"keep_sorting" : false,
"notify" : true,
"vstretch" : true
Updated by riafarov over 4 years ago
- Assignee set to riafarov
- Target version set to future
So issue is not generic and seems not to work in some cases like expert partitioner, even though it works in yast2 host just fine.
It's not related to the order in json and in UI as those work independently and are consistent.
Updated by riafarov over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved