action #4682
closedaction #3136: support remote workers
workers capabilities advertisement
Since remote workers can run on different HW they need to inform scheduler about their capabilities. So that tests requiring eg. ppc will not run on x86 machines and vice versa.
Preferably this should be synced with what openQA scheduler guys will come up (so it seamlessly plug into test dependencies).
For now I imagine simple key-value publication of set capabilities (CPU_ARCH, MEM_MAX (may be useful when we start limiting workers memory via cgroups ie.), etc..) during worker registration. Changes in capabilities would be announced during job grab.
Updated by coolo about 10 years ago
- Category set to 122
- Assignee set to mlin7442
- Target version set to Sprint 12
Updated by mlin7442 about 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved