



action #44369


[sle][functional][y][rt] Add migration test scenario for RT

Added by mloviska about 6 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

New test
Target version:
SUSE QA (private) - Milestone 23
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Create new test scenario for the RT product migration from SLERT12-SP3 to SLE15RT-SP1.

Test scenario:

  1. Boot SLERT-12-SP3-x86_64-BuildGM-gnome.qcow2
  2. Update booted system
  3. Migrate to SLE15RT-SP1

There is already existing offline migration test scenario which can be modified for SLE15.

Expected Results

  • Test suite will be included in YaST group
  • Upgrade finishes without any apparent issue
  • SUT boots to SLE15RT-SP1 with RT kernel
  • User settings should not be affected
Actions #2

Updated by okurz about 6 years ago

  • Category set to New test
  • Status changed from New to Blocked
  • Assignee set to okurz
  • Target version set to Milestone 23

mloviska wrote:

Expected Results

  • Test suite will be included in YaST group

I am not so sure on this one. I would prefer if this scenario ends up in the "Migration" job group. This has been discussed with QA SLE Migration as well.

I see this ticket blocked by #44372 which tracks the fate issue. As discussed with Jeffrey we should wait for clarification about the to-be-supported migration matrix – if migration is needed at all. Until then I suggest to invest no effort in migration testing.

Actions #3

Updated by mloviska about 6 years ago

I do agree that at this point we cannot work on it, since there are some details to be clarified. The initial thought to include it among our tests is for practical purposes. To have all RT test suites in one place, since there has not been any final decision in this matter. Just to ease our work for some time.

Actions #4

Updated by Jeffreycheung about 6 years ago

mloviska wrote:

I do agree that at this point we cannot work on it, since there are some details to be clarified. The initial thought to include it among our tests is for practical purposes. To have all RT test suites in one place, since there has not been any final decision in this matter. Just to ease our work for some time.

Per Matthias Eckermann, for the time being, we may assume that a migration from SLE RT 12 SP3 to SLE RT 15 SP1 will not be necessary. If there would be a strong business case, they would tell us shortly (within January).

Actions #5

Updated by okurz about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Blocked to Rejected

Alright. As I also followed that email thread I assume we do not need to cover any migration testing here unless told otherwise. I will reject the ticket therefore and reopen it in the case any differing decision is made.


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