action #35946
closedGroupPolicies to rollout software to windows-clients
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We should add GPOs to the invis-Server AD for an automatic rollout software-packages like Kopano-Outlook-Extension, Kopano-Deskapp or ownCloud-Client to the connected windows clients
Updated by ingogoeppert over 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
We can create GPOs to roll out software and export them, put it in our package and import them, but:
- The path where the msi file for the installation exists is different on every installation, because it contains the domain name.
- You have to set the ACLs for the GPO individual on each domain.
- Creating a GPO to roll out software does not take longer than importing a GPO.
Updated by flacco over 6 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
OK, then we do it manually.