action #32887
closedWorker version is reset -> no jobs scheduled
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
We have 4 working workers and 248 idle - so I set this to immediate.
Mar 07 10:14:37 openqaworker2 worker[27246]: [info] registering worker openqaworker2 version 7 with openQA using protocol version [1]
Mar 07 10:14:43 openqaworker2 worker[27246]: [error] Unable to upgrade connection for host "" to WebSocket: 503. proxy_wstunnel enabled?
-> no jobs for 20 hours, but:
Alive: yes
Websocket connection: Active
Seen: about a minute ago
Status: Online
Version: unknown
And I assume the problem is the unknown version - as the scheduler will ignore all those.
Instance 21 on the same host worked for a while and stopped then:
Mar 07 20:54:51 openqaworker2 worker[30560]: [info] uploading autoinst-log.txt
Mar 07 20:54:51 openqaworker2 worker[30560]: [info] uploading worker-log.txt
Mar 07 20:54:53 openqaworker2 worker[30560]: [info] cleaning up 01525134-caasp-3.0-MS-HyperV-x86_64-Build11.33-MicroOS-vmx_hyperv@svirt-hyperv
Alive: yes
Websocket connection: Active
Seen: less than a minute ago
Status: Online
Version: unknown
So somehow the worker version is forgotten.
Updated by coolo almost 7 years ago
- Subject changed from Workers don't register and don't care to Worker version is reset -> no jobs scheduled
So finished 6 hours ago and at that time API_VERSION was set to ''
openqa=> select * from worker_properties where worker_id=41;
id | key | value | worker_id | t_created | t_updated
9796 | WEBSOCKET_API_VERSION | | 41 | 2018-03-07 09:47:14 | 2018-03-08 00:21:53
Updated by coolo almost 7 years ago
Yup, _finish in the WS server sets the versions to '' and later the WS says:
Received a message from an incompatible worker 41
as '' is not the right API.
Updated by coolo almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version changed from Current Sprint to Done